Wait thats your actual name 🥲

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Hi my name is sully, well at least that's what everybody calls me but we don't need to get into that just yet, I am 19 years old and today I'm getting ready for my new assessment as a bodyguard. For who you ask, well I guess we are just going to have to wait and see cause I haven't got a fucking scooby.

Tightening my belt around my big shlong so we don't get any surprises , YES YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT I "SULLY" EMMA GARDENER
HAVE A DICK...( yes this book is GIP and if you don't like it the exit door is on your top left )
getting my shoes on and legging it out the door on accord to me being late due to some early wood chopping, if you catch my drift. I speed down the roads of LA to get to my place of work.

After a looong ass 20 minute drive and some jaw clenching incompetence of those stuck in traffic, I make it to my office with no time to spear and an empty stomach that we can only pray won't start HOWLING during this meeting. i sliver through the door and take a seat to be met with some angry ass constipated looking stare from my manager.
Breaking eye contact with his scarily strained eye balls, like he should for real take a break bitch looking like I just tap danced On his balls.

My eyes wonder across the obnoxiously long table to three similar looking people a women who looks to be around her mid 50s, a man with ginger hair and a above average looking body (don't worry no HETERO here... jk jk... okay I'll go) and a girl who seems to be around my age with the most strikingly blue eyes and Bob cut blonde hair, may I say so myself that shit looks FIREEEE.

After a second it starts to click in my head, holy shit...HoLy ShIt...HOLY SHIT, the people I just so casually described are Maggie, Finneas and BILLIE MOTHER FUCKING EILISH HDGSJSK what the shit.

After snapping out of my minor OKAY major lil fan girl moment I realised I must have zoned out looking at Billie for a little to long, this being due to the hot ass smirk plastered on her smug face and the confused protective glances by Finneas as his eyes bounced between me and Billie, clearing my throat and shifting my position I get distracted again by a almost silent giggle from Billie making me glare at her and her throw her hands up as a sign of surrender, I can already tell this is going to go completely fine.

As the final words are said and a few more glances are thrown between me and Billie we're left on our own to talk about the up coming days.

"Hey uhh Sully..aha .. sorry the names just....cute..doesn't seem to suit you tho mamas"

"Yet again wearing that stupid smirk of yours I see miss Eilish" now it's my turn to get confident

She serves me with her infamous resting bitch face then a hearty laugh slapping my arm but letting it linger a little longer than just a friendly way, i raise an eyebrow. I must me thinking to much into this, I've only known her for about 3 hours and that's just on a business level.

After about 30 minutes of chatting with Maggie about tour and a couple more remarks from Billie about my rumbling tummy I find myself Checking the time to I see that I have to get home to feed my dog and run a couple of errands.

Bidding my farewell to the loving family I make my way out the door with my plans for the next 8 months stuck with the billie eilish, wish me luck.


This is my first ever story please tell me how you feel about it —->
661 words

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