What a (prison) life

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(Filly's P.O.V.)
I was pushed into a holding cell. You know the one where they hold multiple prisoners. The copper turned me around so he could uncuff me, before he roughly pushed me onto the bench. "Fucking Blinder" he sneered before spitting at me. His spit landed on the floor inbetween my  feet. After the copper had awknowledge everyone that I also was a Blindef, most of the other prisoners scooted away from me. I ignored them and just leaned on my hands that where resting on my knees. "You're a Blinder?" A man around 40 years old asked me. "He's a Shelby" another man commented before I could, "you're Fievel Shelby? Right" he asked looking back at me. I sighed not really wanting to talk to anyone, but I looked at the man and nodded confirming that I am Fievel Shelby. As soon as everybody knew my true identity, some gasped, some whispered amongst each other. "Shelby!" A different copper said calling out my name. I looked up and I saw him motion for me to follow him. "Lets go" he said and yanked me from the bench. "Do you know who that is?" The second man who talked to me asked the copper loudly. I felt the copper's hand gripped harder around my bicep as he chuckled at the second man. The copper turned to me and we had a little staring contest. "Oh. I know who he is" the police officer said with a low voice. He gripped my cheeks together. "He's a Shelby. But in here. He is nothing more than a fly on the wall" he chuckled at me with an evil grin, "cause in here we are the boss and we will break you". I hissed at him as he squeezed harder and harder. "Fuck you" I snarled at him. He eventually let me go roughly and pushed me out the holding cell. I was guided towards a different room what looked more like a changing room. Storagecabinets stocked to the brim with clothes in all sizes. A boy a bit older than me searched through the piles of clothing. By the way he was dressed I could tell he was a prisinor aswell. "This is set of size large" the boy softly told the copper who had brought me here. I was told to strip all the way. The lad had handed me my new clothes before whispering good luck. I knew why he said it. Cause the way how this copper treated me is an indication how the other copper will and can treat me. And this one isnt even high ranked. "O'Malley" the copper warned, "sorry sir" the boy replied back quickly, "you will go to the head office after dinner. Am I understood?" The officer told the boy who nodded.

After getting changed into the dark blue overall with a matching peaked cap. I was guided to a different room. In this room was a man sitting behind a desk. I could tell that he must be the director of this prison. "Good evening, Mr Dickinson" the copper behind me told the man. Well thats an unfortunate sir name, I thought as I laughed in my mind. Mr Dickinson looked up at me. "Cap off" the copper behind me told me. I stayed completely still as I stared at Mr Dickinson. "Cap off, Shelby". I turned my head to the copper as I gave him a daring glare. His lips formed a thin line as his annoyence build up. But before he could explode I took my cap off before turning back at the director with the funny sir name. He stared at me "we dont go soft on the gunslingers in this prison. And I personally think that you got off easily with the 6 months that you've been given". "And to opposite with Richard he got it even easier. He didnt even get community service" I snapped at the director. "This is your first and only warning, Shelby, make another mistake, wether it is talking back, dropping a plate or eating to slow. I will personally make your life hell. Understood?" He snapped at me. "Yes sir" I mocked at him. "Mr Vergreen. Can you remove this piece of shit out of my office" Mr Dickinson said. I was again roughly grabbed and pushed away.

Eventually dinner was being served. The cafeteria was boring and dull. The walls where a nasty blue grey colour. But dont get me started on the food. It looks like porridge but it's just old mashed potatoes with some pieces of meat. Every prisoner around me, old and young, quickly scoffed the food down. I took this as good advice and also scoffed the food down my throat. Because it didnt take long before one of the 10 coppers in the room blew a whistle. Everyone scoffed the food down even faster than they did. Soon a second whistle came and all the spoons went down. Forks are not allowed cause god forbid a prisinor stabs a guard with the fork. Cause I certainly cant break the spoon in half and stab you with it. A third wistle was blown and everyone stood up at the same time before walking behind each other to put our plates away. As I walked towards the table where all the plates are supposed to go someone stole my spoon. Before I could do something about it, a copper stepped towards me. "Where's your spoon?" He snapped at me. I looked over to the person who stole my spoon. "No idea" I told the copper. He nodded before slapping me. My head snapped to the side. "Loose your spoon again. And next meal time you'll eat with your bloody hands" he snarled at me. "Yes sir" I said back through gritted teeth. "Move it!" He yelled in my face telling everyone to move to their cells for the night.

I laid down onto the old bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Lights out!" Someone yelled and instantly the lights went out. I sighed and closed my eyes. Ready to go to sleep and move on from this day. But boy did the prisoners not care about anyone else, because they began to chant. The words 'murderer', 'Peaky Scum', 'mother killer' and more words left their lips as they began banging on the iron cell doors. I knew they did this to scare me. I shook my head in annoyence as I told myself they just wanted a reaction from me. But as the chanting continued I got angry. I stood up "shut it! All of you!". Immediatly the chanting stopped and I realized why. The loudness of my voice and the power that it held was one that was identical to dad's. Because most of these men have met and or came across my father they stopped immediatly. Because I made them think I was my father. I scoffed and went back to my bed.

It was the next day and I was told to do a chore. I was in charge of mopping the floor of the toilet room. But I didnt get a mop. No, I just got an old and worn cloth paired with a rusty bucket. I was on my  hands and knees as I wiped the cloth over the cement floor. Some minutes passed of cleaning the bloody floor and then a group of boys around my age walked in. They all gave me evil smirks. Instantly I knew they wanted to cause trouble. And I was right because instead of going to pee in the toilet, David turned to me and peed on the floor before he kicked my bucket over. Letting all the dirty water spill out over the floor. I scoffed at him before standing up. "Fuck you, David". He and his friend laughed before David dared to throw a punch at me. I quickly ducked before swinging my own fist at him. Unlike his, my fist connected with his face. I had heard and felt the crack of his nose as it broke underneath my knuckles. Before his friends could come help the officer Vergreen walked inside. "What's going on here?" He snapped looking from me to the other guys. "He suddenly began punching because his bucket fell over" David lied through his teeth. Vergreen looked over at me "mop it up" he ordered. "No" I commented back. He shook with anger and he stepped into my personal bubble. "Mop. It. Up" he sneered at me. "No" I sneered back at him. "Brown. McFly. Take the chore over" Vergreen ordered David and one of his friends. Hearing this David's sighed as karma hit him like a brick. Vergreen turned back to me "we are going to teach you some manners, young man".

Published: 1st of September

Sorry for the long wait. But hopefully it was worth waiting.

From a streetkid to a Peaky Blinder (Peaky Blinders)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon