The death of Fievel Shelby

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(Fievel's P.O.V.)
I leaned against my car and watched the people walk over the streets. While Raymond and Archie stood beside me, both smoking a cigarette. I was handed a lit one aswell, but never smoked it. It just went to waste inbetween my fingers and I felt a tingling sensation of the burning end of the cigarette. It became hotter with every burn and the tinling began to burn. Eventually I flicked it away, not wanting to actually burn my fingers. Although I stood beside two people, I felt lonely. My trust in people had faded slightly and I feared that I was showing it as a weakness. My eyes scanned the people walking over the street. Most of them didn't turn their head to awknowledge me, probably in fear of getting negative attention back from me. They could tell by only my eyes and bodylanguage, that I was pissed. It didn't matter that I wore a mask. But I did notice someone who did try and gain my attention. Out from the shadowed alleyway stepped a girl, around my age. I must admit that she is a pretty little thing. Both Archie and Raymond noticed her too. She approached us and stopped infront of me. "I never seen a man, who looks so alone. Would you like some company?" She questioned, "if you pay the right price, I'll make sure your evening will be nice" she continued and walked her fingers over my chest towards my face. I quickly snatched her wrist before she was able to take my mask off. Her fingers hovered over the fabric and a challenging glow formed in her eyes. "Darling" I spoke with a low voice, "I suggest you find another muse". "I'll promise that I won't tell anyone who the handsome devil is that hides underneath that mask" she said with a seductive tone. "Come on, Boss" Ray said trying to convince me to go with her, "she'll be worth your while". I turned to face him for a second. My mind questioned why he said it like that? Like he wanted me to go with her, like he needed me to go with her. I turned back to the girl in front of me. "I'm not a devil. But then again, Im not a Saint either. Flawed human is what defines me. And you?" I question her, "what defines a sweet young thing, such as yourself, to offer herself like a common whore?". Her face drops from a flirtation expression to a shocked and disbelief one. I quirck an eyebrow and wait for her to respond but she never did. "Why'd you do this to yourself? Huh?". She gave a quick glance to Ray and Archie, like she wanted them to tell her what to do. Before eventually turning back to me. "I have bills to pay, mouths to feed". I straighten my back and listen to her, not truely knowing if she was lying or telling the truth. I listen to her explanation of a drunk father who bets all the money on races meanwhile her and the young brothers and sisters sit at home with empty bellies. Eventually, I just decide to pull my coat back and hand her some money. "Workers arrive at 5" I tell her and give a quick nod into the direction of my farm. The girl looks between me and the guyd beside me, before nodding and walking away. "You're going to let her walk away that easy?" Archie question in disbelief, "if you want her, then go. I'm not stopping you" I told him simply with a shrugg of my shoulders. The two look between eachother with annoyed expression. "Is there a problem?" I harshly ask them not enjoying their looks. "No" Raymond quickly replies with venom lacing his tone. "Watch it, Raymond" I snarl and I hear the tone of my father in my voice. He scoffs before walking away with Archie. "Dont you dare turn your back on me" I growl to which he stops and turns adound. "Oh no. You shouldn't turn your back on me" he chuckled. I grabbed a hold of him and slammed him against my car "is that a challenge". He scoffs at me "I wouldn't dream of it". I roughly let him go and he walks off. Annoyed and angry I turn around and get into my car. I slammed my car door shut and screamed in anger while gripping my steering wheel tight. With a sigh, I leaned back and thought. Raymond was starting to act like Reggie. Having a mind of his own, disobeying orders, talking back while others are near. My hand dug into the pocket of my jacket and I pulled out a bullet. The one dad had threatened me with, the one that had Ray carved into it. I don't know why but I loaded the carved bullet into my gun before holstering it back into the crossdraw holster. I leaned forward and started my car before deiving away. Driving home, my mind was somewhere else. Instead of paying attention to the road or my surroundingd. To which I really should've been alert to everything around me. Because out of no where, my car got rammed making it flip over and roll a couple times. With a groan I opened my eyes and looked around. The car was upside down and I was slightly trapped. But luckily there was still a way for me to get from underneath it. With a painfull groan I turned myself around to my stomach so I could crawl out of the flipped over car. A gasp left my mouth after letting myself fall onto the dirt road. My head ached and I reached up to release the pressure. But I felt warm and a sticky stuff coat my finger tips, instantly I knew that it was blood, undoublty from a wound on my head. But I hadn't time to think of a way to stop the bleeding because the sound of footsteps coming closer was heard. My eues desperatly searched through the darkness of the night. But it was no use, I couldn't see anything. The accident had made me weak and I couldn't consentrate. "You should've gone with the girl" a voice appeared in the dark, "it would've been quicker and less painfull death". "Why.. don't... you... enlighten me.. about it" I asked the person while gasping for air. "It would only take one bullet. But now, I will make you suffer" they said and stepped into view. I chuckled seeing who it was and coughed up some blood right after "Raymond". He snickered and knelt down next to me before taking away my gun and throwing it out of my reach. "don't take it too personal, Fievel" he began while I started to cough up more blood, "because I never wanted you. I only wanted Thomas Shelby. You just got in the way" he said shrugging his shoulders. I weakily grabbed him and tried lifting myself up so I could strangle him. But I was to weak and he just easily pushed me off. "Don't worry. Unlike you. I'll make sure Tommy will go quick" he said before standing up to walk away. Taking sharp breaths I still tried to go after him. But it was no use, I was too weak and ultimatly fell down and laid there in agonizing pain for hours. Untill I began to loose concious I heard an echoing voice call out to me "Fievel!". It was my father. I forced myself to keep my eyes open. He arrived by my side and pulled me up. Desperatly asking me if I was alright and to talk to him. I pushed myself up to his ear to tell him something "you... know... what comes... next....".

(Raymond's P.O.V.)
I was suprised at how quickly two blinders had found the car wreck with Fievel. One of them stayed with Fievel to make sure he was alive while the other went to get Tommy no doubt. Within minutes the man himself had arrived and was knelt down beside his adopted son. I could tell Thomas was in distress as he saw in how bad of a state Fievel was. I grinned seeing him break down like that. Where is that emotionless, fearless gangster now? And eventually the painfull heartaching scream "Fievel!" Escaped his lips. And I noticed Filly was now laying limp in Tommy's arms. "No!" A cry soon came after at the realisation that the boy had passed away. With a smile, I turned around and walked away. Fievel Shelby is dead and Tommy Shelby will soon follow.

Published: 1st of February 2023

From a streetkid to a Peaky Blinder (Peaky Blinders)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt