ii. go on a date with us

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"I just can't get over how grown up the both of you are. And so gorgeous." The waitress at the diner said as she placed their food down. "Hey, Bella, Elizabeth. You remember me?" A man asked as he came over to them. They both shook their heads. "I played Santa one year. "Yeah, Waylon, they haven't had a Christmas here since they were four." Charlie said. "I bet I made an impression, though, didn't I?" "Sure." Elizabeth responded. Landon started whining and she turned to him. She tore his fries apart and gave them to him. "You always do." Charlie said.

"Butt crack Santa?" The waitress offered and Bella chuckled awkwardly. "Hey, kids love those little bottles, though." "Alright, let the girls eat their garden burger and mac and cheese, Waylon." The waitress said and moved him away. "As son as you're done, I will bring you your favorites. Berry cobbler and cherry pie, remember? Your dad still has it every Thursday." "Thank you. That'd be great." Bella answered for her and Elizabeth as she was too busy feeding Landon. Bella and Charlie reached for the ketchup at the same time. Elizabeth cringed. "Oh, here." Charlie said and handed it to her. "Thanks."



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Elizabeth and Bella stood by Bella's truck before school started. Bella was waiting for Edward, and Elizabeth was stuck waiting with her. She gave a confused look to Emmett when they drove in and he was standing up in a jeep. He got out and waved her over when he noticed her staring. "I'll see you later." Elizabeth said to Bella before running over. "Wait-" Bella called after her but Elizabeth didn't pay her any attention. Alice was the first to reach her. She gave her a hug and then turned to the blonde next to her. "Elizabeth, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Jasper." She said. "Hi." Elizabeth said, smiling at him. "Hello, ma'am." Jasper responded. Rosalie came up to her. "You're sitting with us for lunch today. No excuses." She said. "Okay." Elizabeth said, before noticing that Edward wasn't there.

"Where's your idiot brother?" She asked as they walked into the school. Emmett laughed. "You mean Edward?" She nodded. "He has some personal things to take care of." Alice told her. Elizabeth nodded, not needing to hear anything else. It wasn't her business to know, so she wasn't going to pry.



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"I'll see you later, Bella." Elizabeth said as she looked out the window. Rosalie and Emmett were here. They had taken to picking Elizabeth up everyday for the past week. "Bye, buddy." She said to her son who was in her sister's arms. "Be good for Auntie Sue." She said, giving him a kiss before leaving. She ran outside, being careful not to slip on the ice, before jumping into Rosalie's car. "Are we ever gonna meet your dad and Landon?" Emmett asked, instantly brightening up once the blonde got into the car. "Hmm, maybe someday."


Elizabeth had already left school when she got the call that Bella was in the hospital. She drove to the hospital as fast as she could while obeying the speed limit, and with a toddler in the back. "Elizabeth!" Rosalie yelled out when she noticed her walk in with a kid in her arms. "Do you knw where Bella is?" She asked, not even bothering to say hello.

"She's talking to Edward right now." Rosalie responded before her eyes drifted to the child in her mate's arms. Her eyes lit up. "Is this him?" She asked. Elizabeth nodded. "Can I?" Rosalie asked, holding her arms out. Elizabeth nodded and placed Landon in the other blonde's arms. Rosalie's face lit up with a smile as Landon cuddled into her neck. Elizabeth smiled, feeling a swell in her heart.



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Elizabeth had stayed home from school because Landon wasn't feeling well. She did care about her education, but being a mom comes first. It was later that afternoon and she was giving him a bath when there was a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in!" She yelled out. "Elizabeth?" Emmett's voice rang out. "Oh! In here!" She called out from the bathroom and opened the door. "Hey." Rosalie said as she saw Landon in the tub. "Rosie!" He yelled out. 

"Hi, sweetie." She said. Ever since they met at the hospital she has been wanting to see him again. And he had been wanting to see her too. "This the little man, huh?" Emmett asked, sitting on the toilet seat as Rosalie crouched down next to Elizabeth. "Mhm. Wait, how did you get in?" Elizabeth asked. "Your dad let us in." Rosalie responded. "You met my dad?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes widening. Rosalie laughed. "He actually seemed to like us. I think." Emmett said.

Elizabeth smiled. "Be glad. He doesn't like a lot of people." She said as she unplugged the bath tub. Rosalie handed her a towel and she wrapped Landon up and dried him off. She put a diaper and a onesie on him before turning to Rosalie and Emmett whose eyes followed her every move. "Can you guys watch him while I go make him a bottle?" Rosalie nodded excitedly before taking Landon from her.

Elizabeth rushed downstairs and started heating up a bottle. While it was in the microwave, she leaned against the counter and sighed. She liked both of them. Rosalie and Emmett. And she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to come in between their relationship, but there was a small part of her that thought they might like her too. She was snapped out of her thoughts when the microwave went off. She took the bottle out and waited for it to cool for a bit before heading back to her bedroom.

She opened the door and saw the most beautiful sight. Rosalie was standing in front of Landon's crib, rocking Landon back and forth while Emmett had his hands on her waist looking over her shoulder. Elizabeth cleared her throat and walked further into the room. "Do you want to do it?" She asked Rosalie, noticing the maternal instinct in her. "Can I?" She whispered. Elizabeth nodded and passed her the bottle. Rosalie fed him and burped him before putting him in his crib.

After he was asleep, Elizabeth turned to the couple. "Now, not that I mind, but why are you guys here?" She asked. "We had something we wanted to ask you." Rosalie said, looking away from Landon's sleeping form. "Okay." Elizabeth said and sat down on her bed. Rosalie opened her mouth to speak but Emmett cut her off. "Go on a date with us." He said. "With the both of you?" Elizabeth questioned. Emmett nodded. "Okay. I'm in." They both smiled. "Awesome. We'll pick you up at 1:00 tomorrow. We'll go out for lunch." Emmett said. "Okay." Elizabeth whispered. They both leaned in and kissed her cheek before leaving. Once they were gone, Elizabeth squealed quietly and fell back onto her bed.


Bella entered Elizabeth's room to drop off her homework that she missed. "Thanks." Elizabeth said. Before Bella left, she turned around. "Do you wanna come to La Push with us tomorrow?" She asked. "Um, I can't. I have a date." Elizabeth told her twin. "A date? With who?" "Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale." Elizabeth said. Bella's smile dropped and she left the room, leaving Elizabeth in a state of confusion.

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