vii. she's with us

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Elizabeth stood with the rest of the Cullens as they waited for the newborns to arrive

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Elizabeth stood with the rest of the Cullens as they waited for the newborns to arrive. She could almost smell their hunger. Bella's blood was driving them absolutely crazy. The Cullens started running at the newborns as they emerged from the trees. The newborns attacked and the Cullens started fighting them. Rosalie picked Elizabeth up and swung her around. Elizabeth kicked a newborn male vampire in the neck and his head flew off. Rosalie set her back down on the ground and they ran off with Emmett.

The wolves came out of the woods and started attacking the newborns. Elizabeth saw a flash of red hair but shook her head. She was definitely imagining things. She noticed a newborn on top of Jacob and went to run towards him but Jasper knocked the vampire off of him. Elizabeth looked over to see a young newborn vampire, no physically older than fourteen, hiding behind a tree in fear. Elizabeth walked over and the young girl backed away. Elizabeth held out her hand. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." She said, her motherly instinct kicking in.

"I'm Elizabeth. What's your name?" She asked. "Bree." The girl stuttered out. "Hi, Bree. Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked. Bree shook her head. "I'm scared. I don't want this." She responded. "It's okay, sweetheart." Elizabeth said, placing her hand on Bree's cheek. Bree leaned in to her touch. "You're welcome to come with us after this is all over if you would like." Elizabeth said. Bree nodded. "Okay. Just stay here for now and I'll come get you after." Elizabeth said, sweetly. Even though she had just met the girl, she felt the urge to protect her.

Elizabeth ran back into the fight to see Leah getting cornered by two newborns. Leah attacked one of them, but the other one crept up behind Leah, going to wrap its arms around her. Elizabeth sped towards them and ripped the newborn off of Leah and knocked its head off. Leah bit the head off of the other one and turned to face Elizabeth. She bowed her head in thanks. Elizabeth nodded. Suddenly, she was on another wolf's back. She immediately noticed it was Embry. She dug her hands into his fur. He slid forwards, sending them both into some newborn vampires. 

Elizabeth knocked the head off of one as Embry did the same to another. Emmett and Rosalie appeared behind the others. Emmett grabbed two newborns. "Ladies first." He said, throwing them to Elizabeth and Rosalie. "Thanks." Elizabeth said, kicking the vampire in the chest. Rosalie did the same and they fell back into Emmett, who ripped their heads off. The battle was over. All of the newborns had been killed and set on fire. Elizabeth, Rosalie, Emmett, and Embry met up with the rest of the wolves and the Cullens. "There's one more." Carlisle realized, turning to the trees where Bree hid.

"No." Elizabeth said, coldly. "She's coming with us." "Elizabeth..." Jasper started off. "I said, she's coming with us." Elizabeth repeated. She held her arms out and Bree ran into them. "You're okay, sweetheart." She said to the young girl in her arms. Rosalie and Emmett looked at them with affection clear in their eyes. They both walked over. "Bree, this is Rosalie, and Emmett." Elizabeth introduced. "Hi, sweetheart." Rosalie said, lovingly. Edward, Bella, and Seth walked into the clearing. Edward was dragging Victoria with him.

"Embry!" He called out to the wolf. Embry charged towards them. Edward threw Victoria to him. Edward walked over to Elizabeth. "He wants revenge for what she did to you." He said. Embry ripped the redheaded vampire's head off of her body before throwing her into the fire. He walked back over to Elizabeth. "Good boy." She teased before scratching him behind the ears. He nuzzled into her hand before bumping her hip and moving his head. Elizabeth looked over to see Quil's wolf form staring at Bree. Elizabeth's eyes widened. Quil had just imprinted on her. 

"Quil, did you just imprint on my daughter?" Elizabeth questioned. Quil's large head snapped over to her, and he slowly backed away. Elizabeth started laughing. "Get over here." She said. Quil walked over and bowed his head. Elizabeth scratched him behind the ears before Edward leaned in closer to her. "Riley is Bella's mate. He rejected her. Ran away." He said. "Oh, isn't that lovely." Elizabeth said sarcastically. Edward turned to face Alice. "How long?" He asked. "A few minutes. Maybe ten." Alice responded.

"The pack needs to leave then." Edward said. "The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle said, realizing what was about to happen. They all heard Leah growl before she leapt at one last newborn vampire that was hidden in the forest. "Leah, don't!" Edward yelled out. Jacob ran towards them as the vampire wrapped his arms around Leah. Jacob knocked him off. The vampire wrapped himself around Jacob. He dug his hands into Jacob's ribs and everyone heard the bones snap.

Jacob whined in pain. The rest of the wolves jumped on the vampire and ripped his head off. "Jacob!" Bella yelled out. She went to run over there but Elizabeth held her back. Edward and Carlisle ran over. "Jacob, you idiot, I had it!" Leah shouted out as all the wolves ran out of the forest in their human forms. They all picked up Jacob and left as he groaned in pain. Elizabeth let go of Bella and that's when she noticed that her arm was bleeding. "What the hell did you do?" Bella didn't answer. "God, Bella, you're so stupid." She said, bringing her sister into a hug.

Bella held onto her tightly. "They're coming!" Alice shouted out, and Elizabeth and Bella let go of each other. Four members of the Volturi entered the clearing. Elizabeth immediately noticed Edward's eyes go to the brunette vampire in the front next to the blonde girl. "Is that him?" She whispered to Edward. He nodded. The Volturi stopped and removed their hoods. "Impressive." The girl said. "I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." "We were lucky." Carlisle responded. "I doubt that." The girl said.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Edward's mate said. "Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary." The girl added. "If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose." Edward said, bitterly, glaring at his mate who simply stared back at him. "Pity. You missed one." The girl said, looking at Bree. Elizabeth stepped in front of her. "She's with us." She responded. The female Volturi looked at her. "And you are?" She asked, focusing her eyes on the newborn vampire that looked so much like a human.

Elizabeth felt a pain take over her, but she stood her ground and didn't let it show. Emmett and Rosalie stepped in front of her, protectively. The Volturi guard straightened up. "A shared mate." She realized. "How... Interesting." Edward's mate said. "Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her." Edward said, telling the Volturi who had created Bree. "Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Carlisle said.

"Of course." The female, Jane, responded. "Felix, I'd like to go home." She continued. She turned to face Bella. "Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." She said. Bella didn't say anything. "Felix, I'd like to go home." Jane repeated. They all put their hoods back up. Before they left, Jane turned back to Elizabeth, Emmett, and Rosalie. "They would like to meet her." Is all she said before the Volturi left.

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