She's so beautiful

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Ace's POV

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Ace's POV

I play with her soft brown hair, tangling in my fingers gently as she was peacefully sleeping with her head on my chest. I move away the pieces of hair that were framing her face so perfectly.

She's so beautiful

My heart breaks seeing her dark circles that had formed under her eyes. Alex was getting weaker and weaker these past few weeks. We were constantly going to her check up appointments however there wasn't much they can do and everything she was feeling was expected.

I know she was constantly trying to push her self to the extremes to show me she was fine, but that just broke me even more. The more she grew weaker and hurt, the more I felt the pain with her.

We were only a couple weeks away from her due date.

We have spent every single possible second from these past few weeks ever since I stopped going to work, together.

We both were constantly having mixed emotions, seeing our baby girl growing bigger, yet Alex growing weaker at the same time.

She's had high hopes throughout these past few weeks, as we planned things together, went shopping together when she was feeling strong. Yet the past couple days, things changed. Alex changed.

Her bright smile slowly faded. She couldn't do it anymore and you can tell in her face. She couldn't stay strong and was almost surrendering.

It broke me to see her like this. All I wanted was for her pain to go away and see that beautiful smile once more.

Tomorrow is Alexandra's birthday.

Every year for her birthday, we would travel and go somewhere but in her current state, it wouldn't be safe for her to be in a plane. And I know she wouldn't want to do anything to leave the house.

But I wasn't going to just do nothing.

We were going to throw a surprise birthday party in the garden. There was one place she really wanted to visit and we were supposed to go to this year for her birthday. In Vienna there was an enormous butterfly conservatory that she really waned to visit. So instead of going, we we're going to bring the butterfly conservatory here, her theme for her birthday.

It is truly a breathtaking place and I know it is a place Alexandra wanted to visit badly.
Replicating something similar for her birthday, We were going to invite our close friends and everyone Alex cared about.

I wanted this to be not just a surprise birthday for her, but a moment where she can forget about her pain, her worries, and only focus on happy thoughts with the people she loves near her.

She moves her head that was resting on my chest, and I gently place her on the pillow so that she's more comfortable. I get out of bed and place a kiss on her forehead.

Ace ✔️Where stories live. Discover now