Green for Growth

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Alex's POV

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Alex's POV

Watching as the sun begins to set, we decide it's time to finally head back home. We walk back to the car and I can't help but smile at how relaxed I feel. I was stress-free for once. His presence felt like a blanket of comfort that kept me safe from my doubts.

"Liam" I call out as we walk closer to the car


"Thank you for taking me here...It was nice taking the time to slow down. With work, everything just seems so fast-paced. I don't think I ever have the time to breathe" I say nervously.

"No problem Anderson," he says, abruptly stopping by the car door all up on my face

"I enjoyed spending time wi-...with nature" I hesitate as the palms of my hands began to sweat, feeling his breath on me as we were so close together

Our eyes meet and we take a long pause, Liam begins to come closer.

I stand there, stunned, closing my eyes, he picks out a leaf that was stuck in my hair.

"Now you may go in..." he opens the door like the gentleman he is.

Or maybe it's just part of his job...


The next morning I wake up getting ready for work like any other weekday. After a long day at work, I get excited after my last meeting indicating it was time to go home. As I am rushing out of my office, I'm stopped by Sarah my PA.

"Alex, just a reminder  that you have a scheduled appointment this evening to try on dresses for the gala," she says

"Are you kidding me?! That's today!" I ask with exhaustion

Just when I thought I could finally go home. And not to mention-I HATE trying on dresses!


"I'm sorry miss but the gala is in less than a week and you need to find a dress," she says

"I understand, thanks Sarah" I say and head to the elevator.

Disappointed, I stood there waiting for the elevator to arrive. Looking down at my phone, the elevator rings. As it opened, I noticed a tall, charming, and robust man in a suit who seemed like one of those perfect guys any girl would want.

It was David Zay, the head of Anderson tech after me (the owner). Ace left him in charge to run things, he was one of the few he trusted.

If it wasn't for David, Anderson Tech would not have been able to stay on its feet.

I walk in the elevator, pressing the button to the ground floor, expecting Liam to be down there waiting for me.

There was a minute of silence before David Zay decided to break it.

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