so its a trauma ?

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you woke in the happy hotel and you felt like you had the best sleep of your life until you realized its 9.00 Am

(y/n) how the hell did i wake up this early ?

(knocking on the door)

(y/n) WHO IS IT !?

(charlie) it's me charlie, im just here say breakfast is ready


you got up fast and started putting you'r armor on and started heading downstairs, as you got down to the table you saw Charlie and Vaggie talking, Husk was... drunk (god damn) you heard Nifty and Alastor in the kitchen and Angel was just looking at you with lust in his eyes so you just sat down infront of him

(angel dust) morning~

(y/n) m-morning (fuck did i just stutter, you god damn virgin)

(angel dust) you look like you slept well~

(y/n) you cant see my face because im wearing a helmet so how could you possibly tell ?

(angel dust) don't know i just guessed, wanna sleep even better next night~?

(y/n) eeh w-well i, so, aah h-ho... "frozen"

(vaggie) Angel i think you broke the new guy

(angel dust) aww cute~


with that you woke up and saw as Nifty gave you a plate full of food and took you helmet off, and of course you saw angel just drooling staring at you, you knew he was thinking about something dirty but decided to ignore it

(y/n) so uh Alastor might telling me what this "breakfast" as you call it is ?

(alastor) well it's jambalaya of course my dear friend, my mother showed me how to do it, in fact it nearly killed her you could say the kick was right out of hell

(y/n) "mumbles" something tells me just you killed her

(alastor) say what now ?


after the breakfast Charlie wanted to start the so called "rehabilitation" cant wait for this bullshit

(charlie) ok you guys i thought we could start with some therapy 

(y/n) one question ?

(charlie) well ask away

(y/n) why is it just me and Angel ?

(charlie) well you are our only patients, did you forget ?

(y/n) i might have... and don't you dare question my memory ever again

(charlie) oh s-sorry

(angel dust) hey Y/N why don't you boss me around like that !?

(y/n) ...shut up

(angel dust) yes daddy~

(charlie) ok ok lets just start now, i have already spoken with angel about his past but what about you Y/N ?

(y/n) what you mean my past ?

(charlie) you know for example how did you die ?

(y/n) well it was pretty normal we were out on a mission until things went down so i told my squad to retreat until i hold the enemy of... until those fuckers shot me with an RPG and after i killed them i died from blood loss

(charlie) know that's not normal right ?

(y/n) wait it's not !?

(angel dust) eeh no, i died from drug overdose and that's somehow normal

(y/n) ...what the fuck does " drug overdose" mean ?

(angel and charlie) y-you don't know ?  

(y/n) no i do not

(charlie) ok ill tell you sometime, but anyways what about your childhood ?

(y/n) well i grew up in my family mom died when i was 8 years old and went to school

(charlie) is the something you don't want to tell us ?

(y/n) why would hide anything, hiding things means you have a weakness and i don't have one not a single one

(charlie) how you can be so sure of yourself

(y/n) well its easy, before mom died she told me to stay strong and become stronger than anyone else and that's how father would "accept" me 

(charlie) could you tell us about your childhood with a little bit more detail

(y/n) well fine when i was born everyone treated me like thrash, i was small, weak and i cried every second for who knows what reason, and i was bullied cause of that it was mostly nonstop beating and saying "be a man" and mostly the ones who did it was my father and siblings my classmates just avoided me cause always had bruises and cuts on my face and i kept on crying at school and the teachers did care cause i was a lost cause, like i was just really dumb, the only who even smiled at me was mom, she told me to try my best and stay strong until...

(angel dust) until what ?

you were surprised by the fact that Angel sounded worried so you decided to tell the rest

(y/n) well when i was 8 my mom died and no one knows why, so everyone said it was my fault so my father started drinking and beating me even more,  it was the fact that mom wanted me to be the strongest... so i made it my goal, i started studying harder and training my body until it lead me to the point i was the one beating my siblings and my father just watched so in a few years i joined the army and years later found my self leading leading the Black ops, i knew i was the best there was and even father could understand that, well until i died like a bitch 

(charlie) so after your mother died you just wanted your father to accept you... or you just wanted someone to accept you ?

(y/n) ...hah funny, i don't need things like that, that's the reason i was on the top cause i never needed that shit

(charlie) but how can you be sure if you never experienced it ?

(y/n) shut up...

(charlie) why didn't you just stop and think what you wanted yourself ?

(y/n) shut...

(charlie) have you ever even felt love ?


Your sudden outburst clearly scared both Charlie and Angel 

(y/n) it's really simple so why cant you understand it, mom died so i didn't need anyone anymore that childish feeling of needing acceptance and love is for the weak and im not weak, i never wanted it and i never needed it ok !!!

after that you bursted out of the room and started heading out of the hotel leaving Charlie and Angel still in shock

(angel dust) so the little guy never even knew what he was after huh ?

(charlie) i cant believe he had to go through all of that alone... Angel ?

(angel dust) yeah ?

(charlie) can you go after him, i think he could use someone right now

(angel dust) i hoped you would say that

Angel then runs after you leaving Charlie alone in the room

(charlie) don't worry Y/N you wont be alone anymore... i promise.

ok this is kinda lazy writing but its what i came up so hope you like it !!!

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