Chapter 14

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Jenna watched from her hiding place in the dining room as Rana dashed up the stairs, her mind whirling in overdrive. She had never seen her sister in law cry before, and to see her sobbing over Rami was quite a surprise. She especially felt like she was intruding on an intimate moment when she heard the last of the conversation. She hadn’t meant to, she was just coming back downstairs to check on Rami, and had paused when she heard Rana crying. She hadn’t fully understood their exchange, but knew it had to do with whatever feelings they both were suppressing. She watched now as Rami leaned back against the island, his face still pale, his body trembling slightly, and she slowly made her way into the kitchen. At the sound of her footsteps he looked up, and gave her a small smile.

“Hey Jenna.”

“Hi Rami. How are you feeling?”

“You know I’ve been better.” He said with a laugh, and she gave him a sympathetic look.

“You should go up to your room and rest. Do you want me to bring you some food or water or anything?” she asked a bit worriedly, and he shook his head.

“For now I just want to sleep, but maybe later something to eat would be nice. Thank you Jen.”

“You’re welcome.” She replied, and as he made his way up the stairs she stood momentarily in the middle of the kitchen, remembering the sight of him soaked in blood, before she shook her head, and began to pull out the things for dinner. She was going to make lasagna, and as the tomatoes in their backyard had just ripened, she decided to go pick some.

As she walked through the backyard, she took a deep whiff of the roses, glad that Hudayfah hadn’t restricted her from going into the yard. She crouched near the tomato vine, and began to pick the plumpest of the fruits, pleased to see that the other vegetables would be ready soon.

“Salaam neighbor!”

She looked up with a start, her heart hammering in her chest, but as she saw it was Laith, standing on the balcony across from their backyard, she smiled.

“Oh you scared me! Walaikumasalaam!”

He grinned.

“How’ve you been?” he asked, and she put a few more tomatoes in her little basket before standing.

“Good Alhamdulillah. How are you and your brothers enjoying living here?” she asked, and he smiled.

“Oh it’s wonderful! MashaAllah everyone is so friendly. I think I caught a glimpse of your husband earlier! Really tall, black spiked hair?”

Jenna shook her head.

“No that’s Hudayfah’s best friend Rami.”

“Oh okay. Well I hope to meet your husband soon!”

Jenna smiled.

“I’m sure he would love that. Maybe we can have you and your brothers over for dinner sometime!”

“How very kind of you! We are going to be out of town for a while starting tomorrow, but when we come back, we accept your invitation!”

They spoke for another few minutes before Jenna said she had to get dinner ready, and as she came back inside she smiled.

He was so nice!


Hudayfah turned off his computer, took off his earpiece, yawned, and stood up from his desk. He had been in a meeting all day, and was exhausted! He made his way towards his office door, intent on seeking out Jenna. He had missed her, and wanted to spend a little time with her, however as he opened the door, he found his sister curled up on the ground next to it.

Captured Hearts Book 1 in the Heart Series - Wattys 2015 Winner Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ