Chapter 12

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Nate thought of just going back seeing as how he lost track on his target, but that's when he heard screams of plea from another alley. It might seem impossible to hear since the loud chatter and music was playing in the background, but with Nate's hearing, he can hear just fine.

"Please, don't! I'll take the punishment please!"

'A demon girl?'

He silently thought to himself observing the surroundings. By the looks of it, both tried to escape from their grasp but failed miserably. The voice Nate heard was the demon girl begging for the slave merchant to let go of her companion. To Nate, he has no reason to help considering the fact that he has nothing to do with them, but still, his body somehow reacted and attacked. Using his lightning attribute, he formed a spear on his hand and threw it towards the slave merchant piercing his entire body before falling to the ground, lifeless.

Getting himself closer to the boy, which he realized is also a demon, he reached out something from his pocket making the boy put up his guard and positioning himself on offense.

"Relax, I won't bite"

He brought out a pen shaped item as he place it on the magic suppressor creating a spark slightly paralyzing the demon boy. The girl from behind was ready to lash on Nate but stopped when hearing a clicked sound as the collar dropped on the ground.

"How did-?"

Ignoring the question that he was about to say, Nate inspected the pen shaped item which he called 'magic suppressor canceller'

'It seems that there are still side effects to it, I should work on that more'

So how exactly did Nate managed to do it? He just did, his hard work for trying to earn the praise from his old man in his last life didn't go in vain after all. Releasing a sigh, he was about to call it a day since he didn't managed to tail his target and just enjoy the rest of the feast but that's when both of the demon children tugged on his shirt like begging him to stay for a bit.

"What is it?"

"You- why did you help us?"

"No particular reason, now, let go please"

Nate was about to let go of them but then had a change of mind. He looked at the two demon children and scanned them from head to toe.

"On second thought, lead me to where you were both captured from"

Both looked at him contemplating if to heed or not, but they complied in the end.

They walked for just about a minute and came across a a warehouse burning odorless, Nate stopped just far enough for the people near the warehouse not to take notice of their presence. Judging by the people involved, it was the demon adult and elf he was tailing just a moment ago.

'So it has to do something about the rumored slaves from every part of the elven and demon clan. Gotta say, they really do have the guts'

Enslaving other species takes a lot of power backing for any of the slave merchants to confidently publicize this kind of information in the black market. Nate himself didn't even dare enslave the superior species since he knows how they take grudges. If it weren't for the treaty, humanity would've been long dead by now.

Noticing a presence heading towards them, Nate quickly concealed himself from view but stayed for something interesting to happen.

"Thank god both of you are okay"

"Gaarm, it's thanks to someone that we're both okay, he's-"

Turning his head to look for Nate, he stopped seeing that he was gone but the demon boy can still feel the little faint of presence behind them. Understanding that he doesn't want to interact, he continued on with their conversation with the dwarf, a fellow slave who got captured.

"So what do you plan on doing then? Your parents are already long gone, how're you and Daealla gonna survive here?"

The demon boy took a long pause before answering Gaarm, the dwarf. He looked at his sister for affirmation as to which she nodded in response.

"We ... want to follow the one who saved both of us"

Nate, who was listening twitched at the sudden proclamation the demon boy had just said. He thought of leaving first, not wanting to deal with any of this unexpected turn of events, but that's when he felt a grip on his hands. Looking at the little girl in front of him, he saw desperation and wanting to survive, she reminded him of his sister from his second life, who had just received the news of her betrothal to someone she didn't even got acquainted with. Releasing a tired sigh, he signaled someone from the shadows and gave him orders.

"Take those two"

The person who had just came out of nowhere nodded in understanding and heeded his received orders from just a little information. With that, he left them to do what they needed to do. Nate's purpose on letting the shadow take care of them, was to make sure they realize what kind of deal they just got themselves into.

'Well, doesn't matter, they'll ask to let them go once they taste the shadows training.'




Sneaking his way through the balcony, he nearly tripped at the sight of a guard he alerted from a slight sound. He never expected for the castle's security to be this tight, nonetheless, he managed to get in without causing much trouble.

"What time is it now?"

Greeted by the sudden flickering light, he hissed at the person standing infront of him with his night gown on.

"Didn't I tell you I would be late?"

"What kind of 9 year old are you to be this out late?"

'Technically, I'm mentally way older than you think'

He thought with a smug face, earning an annoyed look from his older brother. He released a tired sigh and requested for the stationed maid to come in and help Nate wash.

"What the-?"

He protested many times but in the end, he lost at how dedicated the palace maids are. After his bathe, he was changed into his night gown ending the battle with the maids. Finally settled  down, he crawled himself in the bed together with his brother peacefully reading a book.

"Aren't you suppose to sleep in the other room?"

Alexis asked but was ignored so he asked the question again, "I'm tired, don't wanna" to which Nate answered in an annoyed voice. He sighed once again as he placed down the book he's reading and also drifted to sleep.

'So much happened that I can't even tell if this is now my reality or not'



I haven't been able to update much since school work is piling up but I'll try and update when I'm free lols.

This has not been proof read so bear with the grammatical errors.

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