Chapter 14

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A country that was once a land of prosperity, now turned into a barren land. Tall houses and manors of feudal lords now burned into ashes, a beautiful palace which lies atop, filled with glamorous gold, now fell into ruins.

Heads of the royal family hang atop of the border, survived citizens cried of grief and agony.

That was the exact image Zeniya's dreams portrayed, a dream that kept taunting her every day as soon as she came contact with the Stephenville family. It was also the reason why she and the retired marquis's sister, Freya, willingly came back to the noble world.

"Zen? Was it the same dream again?"

Freya asked in a gentle tone as she caressed the back of her distressed wife. She nodded in return and got up from the bed to change.

"What was it this time? Is it still the same scene?"

"No, this time ... it was different"

Confused, Freya continued to ask questions until she was satisfied with the information.

"So your saying that you saw my nephew creating a revolution towards the imperial family? Which then lead to a full scale termination of the noble faction, which was also good since all of them are corrupt ones. Oh, you also saw Nathan as a grown man who was tortured to death before the downfall of the kingdom. Was that all?"

The dreams started taunting her as soon as they received a letter from Freya's brother a long time ago. It was just the same letter requesting Freya to at least visit once, but it was different that time, there was this strong feeling that they needed to go there. But now that they're here, dreams started to flood in more violently like a wild storm. More than once, Zeniya thought she might be cursed but after seeing a different scene currently unfolding right at the moment, she started researching more on how she came into terms with the dreams. For years that they stayed in the manor of the Stephenville family, she had reached into a conclusion.

Time and Space Manipulation.

An ancient magic hidden from the world's knowledge, since it was a dangerous and powerful magic which requires the life of many. That is why it was shut from the world. Though this knowledge was still known only to the numbered ancient species. How Zeniya came to this conclusion is thanks to her previous position as the princess of the elven tribe.

Although she still hasn't connected the dots yet, since her dreams are all jumbled up into different timeliness. One time it was peaceful and the other was violent and now the after-math. It was confusing to say the least but she's somehow almost done.

"Anyways, better get up and join the others for breakfast"

Zeniya ushered Freya to get up from the bed and changed.

As they both walked into the the dining hall, they almost bump into a running maid, clearly out of breath. Noticing the presence of their master, they quickly apologized before dashing out to the garden.

"My, I think Cathy is playing hide-n-seek again"

"Indeed, a lively lady"

Both commented and giggled before going out there way.

As for the little lady of the Stephenville house, she quietly giggled at the sight of her maids making a fuss early in the morning. But the fun quickly faded as soon as she was caught by one of her brothers.

"That's enough playing, Cathy"

"Awww, your no fun brother Nate"

"Yes, yes, I would've joined in if it wasn't for grandfather's orders"

"Hmm? Why? Do we have guests coming?"

Nate held his sister's hand as they both started walking to the dining hall, before he could answer Cathy's question, a gush of wind passed through Nate's hair which made him stop walking.

Tornado-like object formed in front of both of them and a figure soon came to view and much to Cathy's enthusiasm, she flung herself to him catching him by surprise.


"Woah there little fella"

Nate wasn't much surprise, he already sensed him way before he appeared. He doesn't quiet understand it himself considering he wasn't ... well, the same as other humans.

"So why'd you come here?"

"Are you not happy to see me? Cathy look, your mean brother is not happy to see me"

Asher pouted like a little child while cuddling Cathy in his arms, annoying Nate in return.

"Enough, I'll go on ahead, let's go Cathy"

"Ah! Wait, wait, I was joking, I came here since I heard William is coming for an official audience"

"And what's that got to do with you being here?"

"Ah, well ... it kinda concerns ... with how ... I came here?"

Nate looked at him deadpan in the eyes before turning on his heels again making their way to the dining hall, with Asher trailing both siblings in silence.

Seven years had already passed, and lot of things happened in the blink of an eye. Even the fact that Nate and Asher had reunited once again three years ago at the academy with Asher covered in blood and with assailants pursuing him with the cause still unknown to this time. Nate tried to stay oblivious but failed miserably, with the information he had, he just kept quite with it until Asher himself were to tell him personally.

Arriving at the dining hall, they were met with the loud chatters of the adults whilst waiting for the elder.

"Guess the old man beat us for being the late comers"

Nate silently thought to himself as they were greeted inside. Ellaina, ushered the kids to come sit with them while she also welcomed Asher's presence not questioning why he was there. The household was pretty much got used to him popping out of nowhere uninvited.

The room went silent as their eyes set to the door being opened for the elder and the current marquis's presence. What shocked them the most was the presence of the crown prince, William Guillaume Phantasmea. Most have already guessed why he's here, but kept it to themselves and just greeted him with respect.

Breakfast has gone by in the blink of an eye. And currently, Nate, Asher, Alexis who just got back from the academy, and the crown prince are having a leisure tea time in the garden.

Quietly sipping the last tea drop from his cup, Alexis nervously asked the butler to pour in more tea as he observes the tension between the crown prince and Asher's battle of staring. Clearly oblivious of what just happened before he came back.

"Why do I have to deal with this once I just got back? Should've stayed in the dorms"

He quietly thought to himself still sipping the cup of tea.


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