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Heeseung lets himself into Sunghoon's dorm when the younger boy doesn't answer the door, locking it back behind him. "Sunghoon?"

"I'm here!" The other boy calls out from inside his room and he appears seconds later, his hair tied back and out of his eyes. "I was looking for one of my books, I really can't find it and there's some references I need for my paper."

"Do you want me to help you?"

Sunghoon's gaze is frazzled as he searches his mind. "No, it's okay." He rushes towards the coatstand to toss his coat over his shoulder as he opens the door, keys jingling as he stuffs them into the front pocket of his jeans. "I think I know where it is. I'll be right back!"

Heeseung barely has time to say goodbye before he's gone, but he supposes it doesn't matter. Sunghoon will be back soon, anyway. He hangs his bookbag over the back of one of the chairs at the table, picking up the drink left on the kitchen counter, collecting condensation in the warmth of the heated apartment.

The liquid in the clear plastic cup is dark, bubbly purple ─ grape soda? Heeseung doesn't remember Sunghoon liking fizzy drinks, but he doesn't question it. Everyone's tastes change, and Sunghoon is hardly an exception.

The door slams open again within five minutes of Sunghoon leaving, and he reappears with a medium paperback textbook in his arms. "Sorry for leaving in a hurry!" he says sheepishly, taking his boots off. "It's all Jake's fault, anyway. He forgot he borrowed it from me and put it up somewhere in his own bookshelf."

"That was quick," Heeseung says, leaning back on the edge of the dining table. "Does he stay nearby?"

"Yup, just two floors down. You can finish that drink if you'd like, I need to cram my paper," Sunghoon gestures to the cup on the counter, setting his newly-recovered textbook on the table and opening his laptop. "It's due by 2359 tonight, what a headache."

"You finally learned to stop biting your straws," Heeseung remarks appreciatively, taking a sip of the grape soda. "I guess miracles do happen, huh?"

"Ah, I got used to it after a while," the younger boy answers absentmindedly, scanning down the contents page of the textbook. "Fluid-structure interaction...okay. Yeah, Jake doesn't like it when I chew my straws."

"You share drinks with Jake?"

"Mhm, sometimes when I'm late and don't have time for the insane queues at the university cafe before my first lecture," Sunghoon gripes. "You know me, I'll be gone within the first ten minutes if I don't have a drink to keep me awake."

Heeseung frowns, but doesn't say anything. He's not about to be unhappy about Sunghoon trying to stay awake in class, god knows he'd promised himself he wouldn't be that type of boyfriend. The grape soda is too fizzy and too sweet for his liking, and he abandons the cup on the countertop. He has his own project on composition and sound studies to work on anyway, and he occupies himself with drafting out his paper as the silence drags just a bit too long in the stillness.

The movement of electricity along a circuit follows the path of least resistance, the implication of which is that all paths with higher resistance than the least will see decreased amounts of current. The degree of how drastic the difference is depends on the resistance in each possible path.

In some cases, the path with most resistance can experience what seems to be a zero current state. 

the theory of relativity | heehoonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum