Chapter 34- Counting time

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Jennifer stood by the shelves, counting time. She arranged the vases, made sure with some light touches that the escape route remained concealed from strangers' eyes, and circled the room in slow paces. Counting time.

A pair of washed golden eyes watched her in silence and with curiosity. There was not much to say between each other, and she didn't want to give away more than she needed. And neither did he. The air was dry, but it was a beautiful room, and as she looked at it with more attention, she understood why her mother choose it for her personal use. It was well lit with two tall windows, several delicate wood carved furniture and a pianoforte whose details showed how expensive it was. But more than that, those pastels, clear and sober objects all had belonged to mother before her marriage and talked to her as much as they talked to Jennifer. 

Watched by the prince, whose silhouette shone by the window closest to the shelves, Jennifer saw his worry laid bare, mixing with the plain view in front of her. Never once he failed to stop watching her through the window reflection. Like her, he was hiding something. Hoping she wouldn't find out who most likely was behind this. Because those two fools who sinned against her family wouldn't have the power alone for this. She knew it and he knew it, though he hid it. Always protecting his sister, like a fool... but maybe both were fools.

Jennifer passed the door, making sure it was closed from the inside and with a wicked smile, out of reach from prying eyes, she gladly confirmed the stupidity of those Templars. Then she counted time... again.

In small and composed steps, she reached for a vase that sat by the window opposite from the cabinet and from him. Jennifer touched its dusty details. Painted on it was the battle of the goddess against a beast of faraway lands. Pretty and regal, it stood heavy, although empty. She counted time. Twenty minutes. That was the time it would take Fanny to reach the end. Jennifer had made sure she and the other maids counted the time.

And as she watched the bright sun and clear sky, Jennifer counted. Watching the birds flying happy and uncaring, she counted. Watching the lake full of noisy inhabitants and pink flowers that adorned it, she counted. And she counted as she saw through the reflection prince Francis coming up to her, curious and in distress. Then she stopped counting.

The vase, not as heavy as she had expected, made her hands tremble, yet her will was not unmoved, and as his highness voice grew sharper her arms grew themselves higher. And the vase touched the window breaking it.

"Lady Jennifer... what are you?" He came by her side, taking a look at her hands, checking for wounds. There were none.

Jennifer disregarded him and the noises coming from the door. Templars were now aware that the door had been closed. The vase, broken and laying outside, had taken care of most of the window, with pieces of it scattered in the marble floor.

In silence, she went to wait for the Templars, closer to the door, hearing them trying to punch their way in as she walked there. And in silence, she continued, no matter what prince Francis said. Not that she couldn't hear him, she just didn't care for him. The only thing she cared about was to save her sister and her home.

The bangs became intense enough for the door to open and break. Templars came rushing in, furious.

"What is the meaning of this, my lady?" said one of them, demanding an answer that she did not give. He was about to reach for her when the other Templar touched him.

"Her maid and Lord Fridh are not here." he pointed to the broken window. "They have escaped to the lake."

The other Templar tore his eyes away from her clear blue ones and hissed.

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