Chapter 60- Late talk with a prince

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My plan worked. At least the one that involved a self-centred princess. Since our announcement requesting an audience with Emperor Alexander to present our ideas, she had left me and the girls alone. It was with no surprise that on the very next day I received news of the princess's intentions. She would also present her own ideas to the court and her father. On the same day.

In some ways, one could say it was almost too easy.

Unfortunately, only that went according to plan. In the coming days, I received no updates from either the duke or Fanny. I sort of expected it from Gobbie, but I had thought Fanny could have found something about the Sun Emperor by now. However, on the day before the audience, there was still nothing about him besides the already known bits.

"Patience, my lady." she said, with an unusual calm. "It may be hard to get anything about Emperor Alexander on such short notice, but I am confident I can get under the Head Maid's skin. She already knows my name." Fanny flashed a grin that lighten even the darkest corner of my doubts before she left again to the Utilities Quarters at the far end of the palace to try her luck.

Not to say I hadn't tried to poke information from other sources. And no one was better than Cedric to know of Emperor Alexander, besides the ones connected to the court. But when I brought it, his normally open expression closed and he wouldn't say more than I would see it for myself. I tried to gather if he was doing it out of some sort of duty. And he was, but not for his country, for his friend, Francis.

In the end, I got nothing, and it was too late to be concerned about it. I was also too exhausted from all the discussions, worries, and uncertainties of the previous days. I was ready to move forward, to face the one who would dictate how our adventure in the palace would end.

The girls were worried about my idea, but I was confident. Not that the Emperor would accept it. That was like a shot in the dark, it could land or it could fly pass him. But I was sure it was the right solution. And that was the first step.

So, as the twilight sank in and we finished our preparations, I went for a walk. Alone. No Fanny, who was trying to find gossips, no Jenni who was leading the last-minute details with Eloise, no Amelia who worked on the boards and organized the thousands of papers. And no princess Lola, who was busy looking at her new dress, freshly made by Fanny.

The girls had had already a break for tea in the afternoon. Unsettled, I had stayed behind, checking everything one last time. Even though my mind was set. I could have read it a thousand times and it wouldn't change. What I need to do, say, was still the same as before. But I read it anyway.

Now, however, I needed to breathe. Away from the office, from the building. I ventured outside where the air was fresh and there was a welcoming lack of reminders on how important was the day tomorrow.

I walked around, but this time I did not get lost. After that day, when I stumbled, by accident, close to the Empress palace, I had Fanny ingrain on me some orientation points.

A large golden fountain. An oak tree that grew in an oddly circular shape. A headless statue of the goddess. And some others.

With confident strikes, I reached where my mind had commanded. To a U-shaped building that curved to a vast field and a pond that ended way beyond where my eyes could see. To prince Francis's quarters.

The rooms inside had dimmed lights except for one that oversaw the main entrance and pathway. I could see shadows dancing through the white, but nothing more, but I guessed it was his private office.

I walked through the path and entered the palace. Greeted by nothing but hushed voices.

The servants moved in a quiet rhythm, obscured by the still darkness. Almost how one would react if their master was asleep. Yet, knowing him, Francis was far from bed time.

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