Hunt or hunted

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Yn's POV:

(Day 10)

I had a base, which I woke up in just fine.

But if I had to wager a guess, so did many others, so my plan for today was to search for one of those bases and when I get some devastating weapons, nuke em'.

On the way, I also wanted to put my negotiation skills to the test. By that, I mean, get people to kill themselves.

So, grabbing a bag of "normal" food, I head off.

Killing people with surprise attacks is good and all, but that way is long, tedious, and risky.

With nothing to lose, I might as well and explore other options.

Even if they are a bit dickish...

(Opening theme)

Wandering the map, I search for some poor soul to trick.

Finding a guy on a hill, making a non-hidden base, I slowly approach as not to startle them.

Yn: Hello there!


Turning around, they thought to draw their weapon, but I calm them.

Yn: Whoa, whoa, I'm here to trade items not blows.

Yn: I have food, do you? Maybe we could trade?

Yn: Say for... Spare gun materials for a few stacks of food?

Player:... O-okay. But I want half now.

Yn: Of course.

I take out the bag of "normal" food.

Yn: Don't double-cross me, okay?

They take some of the food and eat it.


Player: Poison!?

Yn: That's power pork. It takes you down to 1hp, then when you regenerate the health, you'll have extra health points.

Player: Really?

Yn: Yep. Just relax and let it happen.

Player: Okay, okay-

"Doonmoon didn't read the label"

Yn:(innocent whistling)

After Doonmoon so generously donated his things to me, I took what I needed, hid what I didn't, and journeyed onwards to the next sob to fall as my prayer.

Yn: Hello good sir!

"Kikivi couldn't handle her poison"

Yn: Yo!

"Fearthe4th tried training their stomach"

Yn: At this rate, I'm going to win the tournament!

Laughing to myself, I spot smoke from a campfire. Maybe not much but one player down is one player down.

As I walk past a few trees to exit the forest, I noticed a little red dot on the tree to my right.


As I walked past the tree, the dot disappeared.


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