The truth of Life: part 3

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3rd person POV:


(Day 39)

Yn has been playing non-stop, only taking breaks when he absolutely had to.

Whether on his own or with Disco, he would explore the map, slaying every player foolish enough to be far from the resistance, a group made of the players who realized Disco and Yn were a threat.

With magical weapons, technologically advanced armor, Yn stood tall.

Disco: Hey kid, let's end this.

Yn:.... I'll get the anti-matter...

Disco: Set them off on the edges of the map. Scare them all into coming into the center.

Yn: And there, we'll have an all-out battle.

Disco: With the ones who survive the trap.

Yn: Let's get this done and over with...

The two venture off to set up their trap.

(Opening theme)

(Day 42)

The whole map was quiet. Only the mobs made any noise.

Peaceful and serene was how everything stayed.



In a circle around the edges of the map, large negative-colored explosions went off.

These explosions, in almost an instant, obliterated 45% of the map, and left 20% after that, scarred.

The players who weren't slain by the devastating explosion gathered in the middle.

There, in a castle built in a fantasy style, two players stood above the other players.

With thick British accents, they spoke.

Player 1: This, my fellow players, is a travesty of Life. And the ones responsible for itare Yn and Disco.

Player 2: They have crossed the line! So we shall hunt them down, tonight!


Player 2: It was difficult, but we managed to concoct potions that shall teleport us all to them!

Player 1: Here!

They began tossing down potions.

Once they all had one, they began a countdown.

Player 1: Ready... Go!

Racing to drink the potions, they all change shape to look like Yn and Disco.

In this surprise turn of events, many players began hitting others which spurred into everyone hitting each other.

All the while, the two leaders watched from above.

Player 1: Suckers.

Player 2: Many probably know what's happening, but until they take care of the ones that don't, they're in trouble.

The two players standing above the rest were actually Yn and Disco, who had created this false resistance against themselves to not only gather all the players into one spot but to also gain access to all their resources.

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