No Friend of Mine (Short)

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I got Kayla's text as she lets me know she was ready. "I told her to call me." I said to myself. After spending ten minutes at my new building I felt uneasy. I picked up my phone to call Kayla but she didn't pick up. I shook my head as something didn't feel right about this. Kayla was supposed to pick up and call me but she never did.

After I finished up, I almost felt sick on the stomach and I didn't understand why. I ended up dropping everything, letting my contractor know that I must go.

I ran about of the building and ran to my car. I tried calling Kayla's phone again and Julius picks up. "Hello best friend.. calling to screw my wife again!" He screamed.

"Where's Kayla?" I asked speeding doing 80 to 100 mph. "She locked herself in the got damn room. Talking about seeing me on the other side." He said.

"Go and get her man!! She could be doing anything what the fuck-- you know what nigga, I'm not going to hold this back you are a low down, cheating ass, bastard mother fucker.. I tried to be a best friend while you hurt that woman.. she's already going through enough shit!! Nevermind I'll he there and if anything happened to Kayla.. I'll beat your ass myself!!" I yelled.

"Join the got damn party my so called " Best Friend" nigga you been wanting my wife... Everything is quiet now she must be sleeping since I cut her!" He yelled.

I hung up the phone and called the police while I was on the way. " 9-1-1 What's your emergency?" The caller said.

"4232 Brookview lane.. my best friend is trying to kill his wife.. hurry I'll be there waiting too! " I said and I hung up the phone. I was five minutes away.


I pulled up to the house, the lights were on but here was banging coming from some where. I run up to the door as my anger took over me and I hear a drunk Julius banging. He was calling Kayla but there was no response from her. I ran upstairs and stood merely five feet as I see him banging with a beer in one hand, the knife laying on the floor with blood on it.

"Where is she?" I asked. He turned around, "Best friend please help me.. she's not answering me." He said as I ran towards the door and tried banging on it, I feel a sharp pain in my side, "Ahh!!" I backed up as another knife appeared in my side and I looked at my ex friend. Blood sprouted out of my side as I took the knife out.

He charged for me as we both tumbled to the floor. Throwing punches left and right, I hear the sirens coming as we fought against the rug. I gave him a left and two right hooks, knocking him out. He tumbles to the floor unconscious. I got up holding my side from my stab womb, "Fucking bastard!!" I said as I kicked in the door with all my might, after three kicks, I busted opened the door.

The sight before me stung me, Kayla was laying across the bed with an empty pill bottle and she was pale. I ran over to her, grabbing her lifeless body. Feeling for a pulse it was very faint.

"Kayla!! Don't do this!! Stay with me, please." I said as I laid her down on the floor pumping her chest. The police came through the door and I screamed, "Up here!! Help me!!" I screamed in tears.


Michael pumped Kayla's chest until the police made it upstairs. To no prevail, tears and pain spread across his face as they approached him.

"Sir?" One of the officers said. He looked up and turned around. " That's him.. that her husband on the floor, he stabbed me and he tried to kill her. He's knocked out but help her please she took some medication. Help please!" He cried.

The came in and examined her, " We need two ambulances now!!" The officer said. A female officer grabbed Michael's arm, " Sir step back.. is that blood?" She said.

Michael completely forgot he was bleeding. His adrenaline was so high that he didn't feel it. " He.. s-stann.. me." He stammered as he fell backwards, passing out on the floor. "Oh my God.. officer he's lost too much blood! Sir, sir stay with me!!"

Everything turns black..

End of chapter..

*Hope you enjoyed..*

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