Chapter 19

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Kaminari, though seeming calm, was actually becoming very anxious the more time that passed by. The awkward silence arising in the room did nothing to help the poor boy's situation. Swiftly, the yellow haired boy got up and left the room. "Kaminari wait!" Midoriya yelled following behind him quickly. Once they were gone, Kirishima, too, got up and spoke. "I'm going to go make sure they're okay." Then, the redhead left, leaving his speechless classmates to grasp their head around what exactly just happened.

Mina, being the first one to snap out of the daze, broke the silence. "So... should we finish the game or?" Momo shuffled in her place beside Jirou as she replied, "I think that we should just sit down and watch a movie or something." Uraraka nodded and agreed, "Yeah, I think I've had enough drama for today, too." They all hummed in agreement. The walked to the couches in the room and turned on the tv.

After twenty-six minutes of fighting over what to watch, they all finally agreed on a movie. Everyone sat beside their roommate, one grabbing a cover the other grabbing their food. Todoroki watched as his classsmates around him snuggled together happily, enjoying each other's warmth. He looked towards Bakugo pondering if he should do the same with the blonde.

With a sudden hit of impulse, the heterochromatic male leaned down and laid his head on Bakugo's lap. "Huh?" Bakugo let out from confusion, only to be hushed by the rest of his classmates. "What are you doing, Icyhot?" Bakugo asked, slightly flustered but making sure to whisper this time. Todoroki only replied in a calm tone. "I saw everyone else doing it and wanted to do it, too. Why? Is it bothering you, shall I stop-" Todoroki asked before being cut off by the explosive blonde. "No." The blonde quickly replied before placing his hand gently on the younger boy's head.

His sudden movement caused a shiver down the boys spine, Todoroki looked up at the blonde only to see Bakugo's face turned to the side out of sight. However, it was obvious he was blushing seeing as his were a vibrant shade of pink. Todoroki don't know what tempted him to do the next action, but he did. Todoroki looked back at the movie screen, and took Bakugo's hand, kissing it gently, and continuing watching. The blonde opened his mouth to speak only to close it again, deciding to just accept it and put his hand back on the heterochromatic haired boy.


Soon after the movie,  Denki, Kirishima, and Midoriya came back. They all had visible tear stains, but they also wore the biggest smile their faces could manage. They all decided to sit on an empty couch that was left. "Guys, we have something to say" Midoriya stated. Everyone stared at them, wondering what could possibly be said. 'Where Kirishima and Midoriya breaking up?' was the main thought they were wondering. "We three have decided to try a poly thing" Midoriya took a deep breath before continuing. As he did that, everyone else let out a breath of relief. " We've all just been really close, and we wanted to tell you guys before there were any assumptions that the three of us were cheating-" Midoriya said, before being interrupted. "Or that I was a homewrecker!" Denki loudly shouted. "Sorry, it felt weird not speaking for so long." He finished before shutting his mouth again. Kirishima was quick to swoop in and make him feel better by patting his back. "Anyways" Midoriya started up again, "That's all we had to tell you. Sorry we stormed out in such a hurry earlier, we were just very worried and stressed."

Just then, Bakugo stood up from where he was and walked over to Midoriya, smacking him upside the head. "I'm proud of you nerd." Bakugo spoke in a rough tone. “You handled that in a very mature way. Good job.” And with the Bakugo left to his room without another word. Todoroki followed, telling everyone goodnight and walking quickly to catch up with the blonde. As he was rounding the corner, he saw Bakugo sitting down on the floor outside of the dorm. “Why are you sitting out here?” he asked, concern audibly showing in his voice. Bakugo looked up at him and replied with hostility. “You have the key, dumbass.” Bakugo pointed at the heterochromatic boy’s pocket.

“No I don’t. You do.” Todoroki stated. “Icyhot please don’t tell me you forgot the key.” Bakugo sighed. “Okay, we’ll just sleep in the common room tonight.” They walked back down the hall to the common room, Bakugo rubbing his temples the whole time trying to stay calm. Once they got there, the blonde immediately grabbed a cover and laid down in a chair.

“I’ll sleep here tonight. You can sleep on the couch.” Bakugo stated, he then quickly closed his eyes and went to sleep. ‘He falls asleep really quickly.’ Todoroki thought. He walked over to the ottoman that had all the covers, grabbed one, and laid down on the couch. He shut his eyes, trying his best to sleep, but he just couldn’t. Half an hour had passed by. Then, he heard something nearby moving. He shot up from where he was and looked around nervously, trying to navigate the sound. He saw a shadowy figure moving around, he quickly used his quirk to see what it was. He started a tiny flame and looked up, it was Bakugo. He had been moving towards him.

“What are you doing?” Todoroki whispered, trying to understand. Bakugo wasn’t even responding. ‘Can he even hear me?’ he wondered. Todoroki put out the flame as soon as he saw Bakugo starting to fall on top of him. Todoroki caught him just in time. Bakugo climbed on top of him and laid down. “Warm..” Bakugo muttered as he laid down. Todoroki shifted to put the covers on top of both of them. “I guess we’re falling asleep like this.” Todoroki sighed. He thought for a second before gently kissing Bakugo’s head. “Goodnight” he whispered before hugging the blonde and falling asleep.


I apologize so much for not updating for so long. I had school, clubs, and relationship problems. I wanted to tell you guys, but I never had time. I hope you guys did enjoy this chapter though. Have an amazing day!

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