Chapter 20

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When the next morning came, Bakugo woke up to the sunlight shining bright in his face. He felt a sort of weight and warmth around him. He thought for a second, before looking down to see Todoroki laying under him. A deep red tinted his face as he slowly got from under the covers and out of the boy's arms, careful not to wake him. He walked into the classroom's shared kitchen to cook some breakfast, but not before spotting Mina hiding behind the couch. 

"What the hell are you doing Pinky?" He whisper shouted at her. "Uhhhh-.. nothing! Gotta go!"she said as she ran down the hall to her room. She dropped her phone on the way and the blonde went to pick it up. It didn't take long for him to figure out the password and he looked throught the photos. He went to her recents and found over 20 photos of him and Todoroki. One made Bakugo's face heat up. He ran to Mina's room opening the door and slightly raising his voice, showing the phone's screen to Mina. "When was this picture taken?!" He yelled slightly while showing a photo of Todoroki kissing his head as he slept. "Just last night-" Mina said before Bakugo stormed out of the room, placing the phone on the dresser by Mina's bed. 

As he walked back to the couch he saw Todoroki folding the blanket they shared just moments ago, then undoing and re-folding it. He finally finished just as Bakugo walked over to him. "Oh hey, I was wondering where you were." Bakugo opened his mouth to respond, but closed it again. He was going to bring up the kiss, but decided not to. It was odd, but no matter how red he was or how angry he thought he felt, he wasn't weirded out. In fact, when he saw the picture part of him felt happy and satisfied, like when you finally pass a super hard level in a video game. "Yea. I just had to go to the bathroom. Anyways, what do you want for breakfast?" Todoroki's eyes lit up before asking for an omlet. As Bakugo was turning around to head back to the kitchen, Todoroki spoke up. "Wait!" 

"Huh?" Bakugo said looking back at the other. "Do you have a fever?" Todoroki asked as he felt the blonde's forehead. Bakugo was really flustered by the sudden touch, but calmed as he saw the very concerned look on Todoroki's face. "Tch... I'm fine" He almost said thank you but decided not to. He wasn't used to someone caring for him. Due to his fierce and independent attitude, everyone assumed that he was always fine and didn't ever need help. Of course, to anyone else this was obviously immoral and wrong, but Bakugo just found it normal. It's how it's always been. It's why he always pushes Midoriya and Kirishima away, it's too odd to get used to.

"Well, we should go eat something. I'll start to make-" before the taller boy could finish, Bakugo immediately stopped him. "No you won't." He spoke quickly, putting a finger to the other bous mouth. "I will not have my eyes burning and watery because you wanted to burn the entire kitchen down." As he spoke, he could feel the boy frown slightly and just nod like an obedient puppy. Bakugo quickly moved to the kitchen. Todoroki watched him as he began taking out vegetables and eggs, pots and pans, as well as oil. Then, his view was blocked by a shirt that read "Morning shirt" in Kanji. 

"Good morning Todoroki-kun!" A high pitched voice spoke. He looked up, knowing who it was, but still wanting to put a face to voice. "Hello Midoriya, how're you?" He replied. You could hear the slightest bit of distaste in his voice as he answered, a bit annoyed at the boy's interruption. "What're you doing?" Midoriya continued trying to make conversation. Sighing, accepting his fate, Todoroki continued to amuse him. "Nothing much truly." As they continued to talk, Bakugo kept looking over at them stealing small glances from the heterochromatic boy. Soon, Midoriya had to excuse himself when Uraraka entered the room. Bakugo came over to the couch Todoroki was still resting on and shoved the plate at him. "Eat."

Todoroki looked at the array of different colors in the omlet. He continued to look in awe until Bakugo caught him. "What? If somethings wrong with it spit it out." The younger quickly shook his head and started eating. It's was amazing, he felt as though he was in a Food Wars episode. As he continued to scarf down his food, making sure he ate it in exactly twelve bites, he wished he could spend everyday eating Bakugo's cooking. Even once he was done and started to wash his plate off, he kept thinking about living with the blonde boy. It wasn't a bad thought. 'I could live the rest of my days like this..' he thought. The idea sent a smile to his face.

"I get it, my cooking is extraordinary,  but stop smiling like that it's super creepy." Bakugo stated. Todoroki lightly chuckled at the thought causing Bakugo to blush a bit. He quickly shook his head and pushed the boy slightly with his hip so that he could start washing his dish. Todoroki headed back to the couch, his thoughts from before still lingering in his mind. Was he slowly becoming more attached to the male? Well, that one was obvious. However, how should he go about these new feelings? They weren't the same ones he felt towards Iida, Midoriya, or Uraraka. They definitely weren't the same he felt towards Fuyumi and Natsuo. So what were they. They felt so odd and new. The thought of Bakugo leaving hurt like no other pain, and he wanted the boy to stay with him.

As he thought about his situation more and more, he slowly came to a realization that sent all the boys blush to his face. Was he... in love? The thought seemed crazy. He began questioning himself even more. Was this new or did he just never register it in his mind? Did he really live him or was it just misunderstanding? He's never felt this way before so he didn't really have a good concept. He'd seen people in love before, yes, but he's never experienced it. I mean, he did kiss the blonde not to long ago. He still had a slight tingly feeling on his lips everytime he though about it.

Suddenly, he was interrupted by a hand waving in his face. "Oi dumbass, you good? I've been calling your name for a while Bakugo asked. As Todoroki looked up at him, nodded, as the boy continued speaking. "Woah, your face is red as hell! Are you really alright?" Todoroki nodded again and tried to calm down but to no prevail. "I think I'm just gonna go lay in the dorm for a bit." He said standing up. As he walked he felt like a moron. 'What's wrong with me?' He fumbled the know as he opened the door. He closed it, once, twice, and over again multiple times. His arm was slightly sore after, but he didn't care, he couldn't even focus on the pain. He plopped into his bed and decided to fall back to sleep. 'Maybe I can sleep it off..yeah. It's just my mind playing tricks on me' and with that he passed out.


Yes I know I haven't been here in a while. First, I'd like to apologize for that. So many things happened that I'm not really okay with getting into right now, but I'm back! I'll try to update in a more timely manner than I have been. I can't promise an exact schedule but I'll try my best not to disappear for multiple months again. Secondly, thank you to new and old reader. There was a lot of support and worry and I'm so appreciative of each and everyone of you. I hope you enjoyed! Have a good day and or night everybody!

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