Chapter 2 Let it goooooo!

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The Hawk kept screeching at them probably saying, Don't climb up, danger! DANGER!

But they did climb up. Maya stood at the entrance of the cave, gaping at us hanging from the ceiling.

"O.M.G," she said, her mouth hanging wide open.

Then Madhav, her twin brother, accidentally caught her leg, making her almost trip. Then he held on to the rocky floor, and she gave her hand to help him up, and he stood beside her.

"Oh my goodness, your majesty!"

Only then Maya saw who else was there. I wanted to yell at them- This is not a zoo to stand and look at things, HELP!

The twins are from my cabin in the training camp of Mahendrapura. Both of them are almost like my own siblings. I love them like a family and all, but this was not how they should have entered. Ajay's elder sister, Ankita, taught us how to enter secretively in the basics of battle strategy practice class. Clearly, they weren't paying any attention.

Both of them stood there looking clueless.

"Remember the prophecy?" yelled Ajay.

"Ohhhhh!" they said in unison, finally understanding what was going on.

The prophecy had a big toll on my life. It raised me to have a purpose, but for something terrible. Baahir Ji, the head of our community in Mahendrapura, had told me that I had a future in this kingdom. I was the first person in history to have the power of destruction, and it can be used for a great, or a terrible thing. The king was the only one who held the truth of the prophecy, and when he came to know about my powers recently, Baahir Ji warned me to be as cautious as a deer is to a tiger. Fear clutches me in its chains every time I think of what could be in the prophecy. I have told only my closest friends about it, and I don't want anyone else to know the wrongs I could do with the prophecy.

" Well, aren't you going to give me orders, your majesty?" asked the minister.

The Raja looked like he just woke up from a daze, his eyes were also red.

"Yo, Bobby! Cut the ropes. Meenakshi, behead them!"

But Meenakshi, the minister, still had her doubts," But you can do that yourself eas-"


Then Bobby pouted," But the sambhar isn't re-"


Then the King grumbled to himself," People just won't listen to my orders... expecting me to do everything for them... what am I? An all-powerful being?"

Yes, yes you are.

I pitied the minister and the Giant. But I have no time for that, the Giant came thundering on our way. My heart started panicking, and I breathed faster. AHHHH! I'M GOING TO DIE, AND I HAVEN'T ACHIEVED ENLIGHTENMENT YET, I DON'T WANNA BE REINCARNATED INTO A COCKROACH!!!!!!!!!!!

Ajay started screaming," Over here guys! And careful not to fall into the chasm, you might get hurt!"

Many things happened all at once. A rush of water flooded through on one side and droplets of it splashed on me. I started smelling smoke, and Bobby sliced the ropes, with a big roar of anger. The ropes that tied us, twirled, unwinding themselves from their hold on us. We fell, and my gut dropped.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Ajay an I shrieked.

Huge claws grabbed us, I could see the humongous Hawk's beady eyes, turning its head to look at us.

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