The Legend of The Gobblewonker

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At the Mystery Shack, the twins are in the kitchen eating their breakfast.

"Are you ready for the ultimate challenge?!" Mabel exclaimed, she held up a 'Sir Syrup'.

"I'm always ready!" Dipper countered while he held up 'Mountie Man'.

"Then you know what this means." Mabel stated.

"Syrup race!" The twins shouted. They opened the syrup bottles and held it up to their mouths.

"Go, Sir Syrup!" Mabel said while her brother stated. "Go, Mountie Man!"

The twins chanted. "Go! Go! Go!"

"Almost. Almost." Mabel muttered then she tapped the bottom of the bottle as the syrup fell on her mouth. "Yes!" But she ended up coughing. Though managed to declare. "I won."

Dipper saw Mabel cheated but shrugged it off. He turned to the newspaper in front of him. He picked it up and saw the content.

"Ho ho, no way! Hey, Mabel. Check this out." Dipper spoke as he showed her the newspaper.

"Human-sized hamster balls." She gasped "I'm human-sized!" Mabel gushed.

"No. No. Mabel, this." Dipper points to the 'Monster photo contest' that is next to the human-sized hamster ball ad. "We see weirder stuff than that everyday. We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?"

"Nope, just memories and this beard hair." Mabel recalled as she showed her brother a tuft of white beard hair. Dipper leans away as he queries. "Why did you save that?"

Mabel let out a 'I dunno' sound as she shrugs.

Grunkle Stan walks into the kitchen. "Good morning, knuckleheads. You two know what day it is?"

"Ummm, Happy Anniversary?" Dipper guessed as his sister cheered. "Mazel tov!"

Stan hits Dipper's head with the rolled newspaper as he remarks. "It's Family Fun Day, genius." He then walks over to the fridge and takes out the milk. "We're cuttin' off work and having one of those, you know," Stan sniffs the milk in the refrigerator. "Bonding type deals."

"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day? And are you gonna make Y/n tag along?" Dipper asked while he fixed his hat.




The scene changes to Dipper, Mabel and Y/n making counterfeit money. Stan held a painted counterfeit money to his face then he let it go. Behind him is the already finished counterfeit money being hung on a rope like clothes you dry out in the sun.

"You called that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman!" Stan stated as he leans over to the kids. Then outside you can hear police sirens and red and blue lights illuminating the room. "Uh-oh."


Back to The Present


Mabel shudders then she whispers. "The county jail was so cold."

"Luckily, Y/n bust us out when they weren't caught." Dipper said as he crossed his arms.

"All right, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker. But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?" Stan happily suggested as the twins cheered. "Yay!"

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