Dipper vs. Manliness

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The three kids sat on the porch of the gift shop. Per usual, Y/n would and always without fail go to the Mystery Shack to hang out with the twins. Apparently, today seems to be a slow day for the shack. Only a few tourists are seen roaming around and exploring the Mystery Shack.

Y/n let out a yawn and raised their hand to cover their mouth. Mabel hums a nonexistent tune as she stood behind Y/n and braid their hair.

Y/n wore their black turtleneck and overalls. On their feet are boots.

Dipper sat beside Y/n, you can hear music playing from their console. His brows furrowed as he concentrated to defeat his friend's highscore.

"There! All done!" Mabel declares as she finishes doing Y/n's hair. The kid smiles at her as they say. "Thanks, Mabel."

They carefully run the fingers on their hair to feel the intricate braid Mabel did. The said girl moves to the side and occupies the spot on their right. She rubs her stomach as she pouts.

"Man, I'm hungry." She draws out as she throws her head back. Dipper huffs as he sees 'Game Over' written on the console's screen for the tenth time. He gave the console back to Y/n as he grumbled. "Your score is way too high, Y/n."

The kid snickers as they put their console in their pocket of their overalls. Dipper stands up as he puts his hands on his hips.

"I'm hungry, too." He told his sister and his friend. He pats his stomach as he talks. "I need food after trying to beat Y/n's highscore."

Mabel chuckles as she stands up to playfully punch her brother's shoulder. "You're just saying that to avoid sulking, nerd."

He laughs as he avoids Mabel's next punch. "I'm not!"

Y/n shakes their head as they stand up to stop the twins' playful bickering.

"You know, Greasy's Diner serves the best pancakes. Maybe we can ask Mr. Pines to go there?" They voiced their idea as Mabel and Dipper looked at them.

"Great idea!" The two immediately agreed. Dipper walked towards the door of the Gift Shop and opened it for his companions. Mabel walks in as Y/n follows as they jokingly remarks. "What a gentleman."

Dipper smiles and walks in.

The trio walks up to the cashier where Stan is.

"Grunkle Stan." Dipper called out to the old man. His attention shifted from his customer to the three children.

"Can we go to the diner?" Mabel asked him. Y/n smiles at him as they beamed. "They have nice food there!"

"And we're hungry." Mabel slurred the last word as she rubs her stomach.

"Hungry." Her brother follows her action then they start hitting their stomachs together as they groan like zombies.

"Yeah, sure." Stan agreed to the children's idea causing the twins to stop acting like zombies and stopped Y/n using puppy eyes on him. "Soon as this yahoo makes up his mind."

Stan points to Tyler, who stood waywards behind the group.

Mabel turned her head as she smiled. Dipper had a frown on his face as he turned to look at what Stan pointed at. Y/n has an everlasting glare and menacing aura as they turn their head.

"Do you have this in another animal?" He asked Stan as he gestures at a trout with fur on its body as he looks at Stan. The fur trout is stuck on a board making it easier for a person to hang it off as a decor.

"I'm fine locking him inside if you are." Stan stated without looking at the kids. The trio looks at each other then at Stan as they collectively nod.


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