𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁|| Chapter 10

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Kokichi and Shuichi started dating.
Every day they pretended to behave like all other days, Kokichi behaved like a child as always and Shuichi continued to be with Kaito and Maki. But they always looked at each other, hoping that no one could see them.
When they were alone, they would start talking friendly and sometimes kissing. There was still some embarrassment between them, but they wanted to be together as much as possible.

But one evening Kokichi didn't show up to Shuichi. The blue-haired boy thought that maybe he was in his room. He went to his door and knocked but no one opened it. Shuichi didn't know that Kokichi was thinking of something else.
Kokichi went into the kitchen, meeting Miu intent on eating. He entered normally as she greeted him with an insult, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, and he replied with an even more vulgar insult, which made Miu complain. While all this was happening, Kokichi slowly took a knife from the kitchen and hid it behind his back and then walked away.
He was not to be seen by anyone, for any reason. Especially Shuichi.

Nobody knew instead that Tsumugi was also going somewhere, always making sure not to be noticed by everyone. Eventually she went into the library where no one was going anymore and stopped behind a shelf, holding a piece of paper in her hand. She too had a small knife in the sleeve of her dress.
She had to meet someone and whe knew it was very important, and dangerous. Especially if she had to meet up with Kokichi Ouma, the most unpredictable guy.

'Let's meet in the library
between 7.38 pm and 8.03 pm,
I want to talk with you about what I
found out about the mastermind.
What I found out
About you.'
-Kokichi Ouma.

Kokichi also entered the library and closed the door. The silence was incessant and the only sound that came were the steps of the purple-haired boy advancing towards Tsumugi, like he already knew the exact position where she was.
When Kokichi stopped, he was only inches away from her. She looked at him with a neutral expression as she put the paper away <<Hi Kokichi>> she finally said smiling.
He looked at her <<Good evening mastermind>> he said smiling in turn, making the smile disappear from the girl's face. Her 'happiness' was gone <<Why do you accuse me of being the mastermind?>> she said crossing her arms under her chest.
<<Oh no, I don't accuse you. I'm sure that you are.>> Kokichi laughed, startling raise the anger in the cosplayer's veins.
<<And from what? Do you have evidence?>> she continued to speak in her calm voice, adjusting her glasses on her nose trying not to look away. Kokichi was able to understand from his gaze that Tsumugi was not as cute and sweet as she seemed, at that moment she wanted to kill him and look to perceive it from her eyes. Hatred, fear and terror were the only emotions reflected in his eyes.
<<Well you have a sweet and sincere behavior, but right now you are showing me all the anger you have all in your body.>> Kokichi explained looking at her <<And you are more and more quiet every time this killing game goes on.>> She cleared her throat and looked away for a second, she was losing <<You have no proof.>> he said quickly.
<<Maybe>> he simply said <<But you're not even denying it. Plus I saw you smiling at Akamatsu's death, at everyone's death.>> and this made the girl shut up.

<<What do you want from me?>> the girl didn't try to smile anymore, she didn't have to and couldn't hide. But she kept clutching the knife in the sleeve of her dress <<If you came here to ask me to stop, then you wasted your time.>>
It was obvious that Kokichi wasn't here for that reason <<I'm not so stupid to ask this.>> he said, holding the knife tightly behind his back <<It seems that everything goes according to your plans, as if we are puppets. Tell me this.>>
<<Oh so you noticed.>> Tsumugi began to find the conversation interesting. A smile appeared on her face again, not a sweet smile but a desperate smile. Then she began to explain <<I could say that 'I wrote a script', with your behavior and with the deaths of all of them. And yes, that's kind of fun. The only thing I didn't write was meeting you here.>>
Kokichi listened carefully <<So it is possible to 'avoid' this 'script'.>>
<<Maybe yes, or maybe not.>> She laughed amused. She tried to provoke him, as the boy did every time with anyone. It was like a puzzle, Kokichi had to figure out how to solve it.
<<What happens? Are you starting to get scared?>> she asked, teasing him <<Pathetic.>>
<<I want an agreement.>> Kokichi said after thinking about it, completely ignoring her. She raised an eyebrow <<Oh? Well let's see, tell me what you want.>>
<<I want this Killing game to end. But I want Saihara-Chan to continue living.>> the purple-haired boy tried not to show any emotion, trying to remain neutral.
She seemed to think about it <<What will I get in return?>> he asked in turn.
<<You love despair right? You choose.>> Kokichi advised. He knew he wouldn't like her answer, but there was nothing he could do.
<<I want you to make Shuichi hate you to the end, I want to see the desperation in your eyes.>> she said, as she smirked and laughed a bit. Kokichi heart stopped for a second and he seemed like paralyzed just thinking about it. Shuichi to hate him?
<<What if I break this agreement instead?>> Kokichi asked again. He knew that Tsumugi was now crazy and she was a fury, but he didn't want to fall into her trap. Suddenly she made a quick sprint, pointing the knife, that she had in the in the sleeve of her dress, under the purple-haired boy's neck <<I will kill you, and Shuichi dies.>>
He made a quick movement too, pointing the knife, which was behind his back, at his neck. Now he was the one that was smirking <<And if you break the rules, I'll kill you.>> he said simply <<I accept.>>

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