𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻|| Chapter 18

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Week passed but Kokichi was still missing.
So, Kaede and Shuichi started a private investogation.
<<I still thank you for helping me.>> Shuichi said when they met. Kaede just smiled <<You don't have to thank me, I am happy to help you.>>.
Shuichi nodded and then showed her some papers <<I made some research about him. His name is Kokichi Ouma, he was born in Japan the 21th of June, his parents are two no named people and he was raised in an Orphanage. At the age of 13 he escaped from there and no one had his news till now.>>
Kaede looked at him amazed <<Wow... you are amazing Shuichi! How did you find all these informations?>>
Shuichi shruged <<I just searched for a while. I am a detective after all. Just I do not know how to find him because the orphanage did not wanted to tell me anything, meanwhile I could not find his parents.>>
Kaede tried to cheer him up <<Nothing is impossible! You just have to think like him!>>
Shuichi looked at her <<I should think like Kokichi?>> and she nodded. Then she explained <<You know, Kokichi is a crafty and cunning person. He is not stupid as well. He is secretive and reservated.>>.
Then Shuichi nodded and tried to think as him <<If I was Kokichi and I would escape from the hospital, I would hide somewhere no one knows except me.>>
<<Yes, exactly.>> Kaede nodded while smiling. Then the detective and the pianist decided to visitate places that everyone usually evitate: old buildings, abandoned bridges, ancient castles now destroyed and much more.

Yet Kokichi was not in none if these.
But they tried again, in more places but the supereme leader was not in those of these neither.
<<What if he ran away in another city?>> Shuichi suggested and kaede thoight about it. Then she said <<I do not know but the police man is searching even out of there. So we can just concentrate in our city.>>
Shuichi was still thinking about it.
<<What if he is at his home?>> Shuichi asked to kaede.
<<That's not a bad idea but... you know where he lives?>> Kaede asked and the detective nodded no.
<<I do not, but I think he won't live in a nice house. If I was him, I would live in a bad house where no one would search. Like...>>
<<... an abandoned house?>> Kaede finished his sentence and he smiled, saying yes.

Even if they were really tired, they visited every abandoned house they found.
But nothing. They did not find him at all.
They tried the day after, but still nothing. And also police didn't find anything.
The detective sat down on a bench, where the pianist joined him.
<<I am really tired>> Kaede admited, closing her eyes. Shuichi could doing nothing more than agreeing <<Yes, me too.>>
Shuichi never failed to find someone. Where was Kokichi? Where was he hiding?

<<Excuse me?>> a voice asked, then Shuichi and Kaede turned around. There were two girls who were looking at them. At first, they thought they were fan and wanted to talk with them, it was not the first time that happened during their investigation.
But they were not there for it.
<<We wanted to ask you if you knew where is the Church?>> the other one asked. Both of them seemed nice.
Kaede smiled <<You go on that road and on the left you will find it.>>
<<Thank you.>> the girls smiled and walked away in the way Kaede told them.
Kaede looked at Shuichi, still tired <<By the way... can you check what time is it?>>
Shuichi nodded <<Sure>> he putted his hands in his pokets to find the phone, but he realized it was not in there <<Huh? Where is it?>> he checked everywhere but it was not there.
Then he turned to the two girls and, when their eyes met, the girls started to run.
<<Hey! Give it back!>> Shuichi yelled before running after them and Kaede, even being tired, ran with him.
The girls where really fast, probably that was not their first time. Surely it was not, Shuichi thought.
Suddently they ran in a alleway between two plalaces, and the detective followed them. But before he could get them, they disappeared.
<<Shit... we lost them...>> Kaede panted heavily while getting close to Shuichi.
In front of them there was just a big abandoned house, it was ruined and really old.
<<Or we did not.>> Shuichi walked in the house and the pianist followed him.
When he opened the door, the house was new. The outside was ugly but when they got in, it seemed like someone lived there. There were new forniture, it was really well cleaned and also it looked like a rich house.
<<Wow...>> Kaede just said <<...It is amazing.>>
Together they checked every room, and everything was perfect. Then they entered in a room and something happened all of the suddent: he felt himself falling on the ground with something on him. When he turned to Kaede, she was down with someone on her back that was wearing a clown mask.
But then the detective recognized the uniform that the girl on Kaede had.

<<Nishishi~ you found me Shumai~>> another stranger voice said, but it was not stranger at all for Shuichi. Even the nickname, that damn nickname.

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