Chapter 4

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Dear Diary,

I can't be seen with Ty anymore. My black eye is too black and blue to be covered.

He's going to ask me what happened, he's going to ask me to draw it.

I can't keep lying to him, it hurts me too bad.

The only thing I can do is save him.

I know how to save him but it might be hard.

I need to stop almost laughing when he's around, stop smiling and just be the mute freak.

I must stop becoming friends with him.


I walked to school and sat down in English.

"What happened?" Ty asked while grabbing my face with his hand and rubbing his thumb over my swollen eye.

Stay strong Aria.

I shook my head.

"Draw it right now," he demanded.

I sat there looking down and fidgeting with my cast, why can't he just leave me alone?

"Arrabella," he growled.

He took his hand and grabbed my jaw and forced me to look up at him. It didn't hurt but I flinched back anyways.

"Draw it," he repeated.

I looked at him emotionlessly.

Whenever we touched I felt this weird tingling feeling through me, I just need him to get his hand away from my face!

He groaned in frustration and grabbed the pencil on the desk and shoved it in my hand.

I held onto it waiting to see what he would do next.

He put the piece of paper in front of me.

"Draw," he pushed.

He really did think I was stupid.

That bothered me more than should, but I held back the tears and threw the pencil at him.

"Everyone, take a seat," the teacher whose name I still don't remember announced.

Finally, I need to stop getting here early.

Ty sat down looking furious.

The whole class he would shift in his seat and sigh every once in a while.

He would glance over at me as well, but I never looked back.

The bell rang and I got out of my seat grabbed my backpack and left.

I don't really know why I'm in school.

I fail all my classes except math. I'm good at math and with numbers.  I can write numbers, numbers don't hurt to write, numbers don't make me remember..

I felt two strong arms grab me and I almost yelled in shock.

I turned around to see Ty had pulled me into an empty classroom.

He shut the door and then stood in front of it with his arms crossed.

I tried to go around him but wouldn't budge.

"You aren't leaving until I know who did that," he stated while referring to my black eye.

I backed away from him and sat in one of the desks, I don't need this!

He doesn't realize how hard he is making this for me.

"Aria who did this to you?" he asked.

My dad did!

Dear Diary, I Have a MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin