Chapter 13

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Dear Diary,

I told Ty about Trevor yesterday. It was nice to tell someone about it.

I wonder what my dad is doing right now. I wonder if I ever cross his mind.

Ty and I are good. He still has to explain to me more about mates but I think I'm starting to get it, just kidding I don't really understand.


I can't really sleep that well for some reason I keep having these weird dreams.

Ty is asleep and he has his arm around my waist.

I snuggled into him, but I really have to pee!

I moved out of his grip and then walked over to the bathroom.

I walked out and climbed back into bed.

"Ar," Ty mumbled.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I just can't sleep," I admitted.

"Do you want a drink of water?" he asked.

I don't know how water is going to help!

"Yeah I'll be right back," I sighed.

I walked downstairs to find Carter sitting at the bar eating a bowl of cereal.

I looked over at the clock and it said it was one in the morning.

"Really Carter?" I laughed.

He looked over at me and smiled.

"I got hungry," he shrugged.

I grabbed a water bottle and sat next to him.

"Do you live here?" I asked.

"Yep," he replied.

"What about your parents?" I asked.

"They are with Tyson's parents a lot," he sighed.

"Where is that?" I questioned.

"You ask a lot of questions," he laughed.

"Answer them," I ordered.

"They are away on um business," he answered.

"What do they do?" I asked.

"Arrabella," he groaned.

"Carter," I groaned back.

"Cute," he teased while ruffling my hair and putting his bowl in the sink.

"Ask Tyson," he added before walking out.

"Bye," I called.

I then drank some of the water and then walked back upstairs. I got into bed and snuggled into Ty.

"Have fun?" he asked.

"Yep," I laughed.

"You took a while," he stated.

"Were you timing me?" I asked.

"No I just missed you," he sighed while pulling me closer to him.

I then fell back asleep and didn't have another dream that night.


"So does everyone have a mate?" I asked Ty.

"No only certain people," he explained.

"Like a club?" I questioned.

"Kind of," he replied.

"Are you in a cult?" I asked.

Dear Diary, I Have a MateUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum