Chapter 13: Sweepstakes.

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up as usual getting ready for the day but when I checked my phone, I received an email around 1 AM that said something about a...Apple sweepstakes? This fueled my curiosity and I clicked on the email and it explained everything. This was randomly selected and I was one of the 1000 people that was chosen, it was a chance to win a once and a lifetime trip to the Apple campus for a tour, job fairs, and much more in Austin, TX.  And also, it said if you were are in the W.C program, they will give you paid time to leave and everything so I don't have to worry about losing my job. I read the other parts of the email before it lead me to a link that will take me to the website so I can enter. Of course, I highly doubt I would win but I'll still take it for kicks, I entered my info, past jobs, and other information they asked me to fill out. It took me about 6 minutes to finish it and I was in. Ok, that was fun to do but I wonder who will win this chance. Oh well, now let's eat some breakfast and start our day.


(Clara's POV)

I waited for some time for Y/N's name to pop up and once I see his name, I will put him in the winner spot of this little sweepstake I came up with. Not only he will win once 2 PM strikes the clock but also, he won't face any penalties from both sides of the program so in total...

Clara's mind- I will succeed.~

I sat in my chair thinking about the things Y/N and I will do together and I won't go cheap on it either, to say the least. I can't wait for it.~

(No POV)

As Y/N was working his tail off, Ethan is looking at him with sadness cause tomorrow morning is the morning that he will no longer be here and will have to go back to Darian. While he couldn't back out of it now, he will get Y/N soon. Meanwhile, Darian was drinking a glass of wine in a celebration that Y/N is coming back to the company, so much so that he has a welcome back dinner planned for the two. It was a cheerful time for him and he was mocking Ethan for it. However, what the two CEOs would never see coming was the fact that Y/N's luck was about to strike him gold. 


(Y/N's POV)

I was in my lunch break looking at random but funny Reddit memes and everything was fine till I got a phone call from a number I didn't know who it belonged to. But I answered anyway and a man picked up the phone.

Man- Hello, is this Y/N L/N I'm speaking to?

Y/N- Yes, this is him. 

Man- Ah good, I wanted to personally congratulate you Y/N for winning this year's Apple Sweepstakes!

My heart stopped beating and I was stone cold in my seat, did he just say...I won?

Man- Hello? Hello? Y/N?

Y/N- I'm here... I just don't know what to say. It's happening so fast.

Man- I know right, this must've made your day right?

Y/N- This is more than that but yeah, to an extent.

Man- Alright then, well you will receive mail of your tickets, map, and vital paperwork early tomorrow morning. You will also receive a call from Apple's CEO Clara Stevens herself who will tell you more about what your experience is gonna be like. Is this making sense Mr.Y/N?

Y/N- Y-yes it is, thank you.

Man- No problem, anyway once again congratulations to you and hope you have an amazing time with the Apple family, you have a good day now, goodbye.

Our darling employee~(Yandere Various CEO harem x Male worker reader.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz