Prologue: The encounter that will change everything.

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(No POV)

Today was just an average work day for everyone, everyday the same place, the same tasks and see the same people everyday of the week. In a scenario like this, there are people who either call out of work pretending to be sick just to stay at home or either just straight up quit the job and go somewhere else in order to change things up a bit. Many people know that work is a way to earn a paycheck and they are right but what they fail to see is that your job can be a part of your day where you can meet interesting people or given an opportunity to meet someone unexpectedly that can change your life forever. Well, that is what exactly happen to the man Mr. Y/N L/N, who is about to meet a certain powerful figure he thought would never get to meet in his life and will have the choice to sign up for the W.C work program.

It was around 5:30am in the morning and Y/N is asleep and the most dreaded part of the working man's day was about to happen in 3....2.....1.....

Y/N- *Yawning* *Groaning*

The alarm clock....the most notorious thing in existence, the destroyer of good and strange dreams but it's the one who keeps you awake to go to the most important place of the day, at least that what Y/N believes. 


I was rubbing my eyes to get the morning gunk out and I slowly got out of bed to take a quick shower before I make myself some breakfast.

Y/N- Here we go, another day another dollar, I wonder where that phase came from?

I then striped off my clothes and headed into the shower. 

(Timeskip, 10 minutes later)

After that nice and warm shower, I got dressed in my work clothes which is just a plain black t-shirt, black pants, white long socks and some black tennis shoes. I know that this is very plain in terms of style but I don't really mind since I'm not big on fashion and I work at a Bed Bath & Beyond so my simple style isn't really anything special and It fits well with the tasks I do in a daily basis. 

Y/N- Well now that I'm dressed up, let me eat some breakfast. 

I went to the kitchen to look for my favorite cereal. I looked on top of the fridge and I thought of something horrible......I thought I was out of the stuff, but after looking around some more I sighed in relief when I found it.

I thought I was out of the stuff, but after looking around some more I sighed in relief when I found it

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Y/N- Man, praise the lord for this yummy cereal. *in shitty TV announcer voice* Kellogg's Frosted Flakes part of this complete breakfast...They're GRRRREAT!

Man, I don't know why I try to remember the commercials but I think it gets me a little hype for the day, so I think it works for the most part. 

I poured myself a bowl and poured the milk, got my spoon and ate while looking at my phone to check any business related news. I scrolled over many articles and I found one that read: "The top six company's that are joining the W.C.(Workers and CEO's) government program this year". 

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