Chapter Two: First Day

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Eleanor sat with Charlie at the table in the kitchen, the bright yellow color of the cabinets was something Eleanor couldn't help but love due to the warm atmosphere it brought to the house. The cheery color had clearly influenced the girl's mood, as she was very positive for the early morning. Charlie didn't mind her excitement that early in the morning, he was glad to finally have both of his daughters back home and Eleanor's enthused chatter always brought a smile to his face.

"Thank you so much for taking care of all my plants while I was gone! I can't believe they're all okay. I was so worried for them, but I never should have doubted you! You did an amazing job, they're all so happy and healthy!" Before Eleanor had met Jake, her plants were often her only friends and even after becoming close with the boy she still treated those plants with the same love and care. Eleanor would never neglect one of her friends just because she had met someone new, it wasn't in her nature. So of course, the plants never became less important to her just because she had made her first true friend.

Charlie knew his youngest daughter would have been devastated to come home and find all of her plants dead. He had researched how to care for each one and made sure to offer them the appropriate care every day. No matter how long his shift at the police station was or how tired he was, Charlie spent the time watering and talking to each plant, showing them the same love that he knew Eleanor would. He didn't know when she would visit next, but he knew that he would take care of those plants for as long as it took. It was a sincere gratitude Eleanor spoke with and Charlie knew all of the time he spent with those plants was worth it just to see that smile.

Bella walked down the stairs and could hear Eleanor rambling to Charlie about their new school. Dreading having a first day in the middle of the semester, Bella's already frazzled nerves were wearing thin at the obnoxious positivity of her sister. To avoid saying something rude in front of Charlie, Bella decided to quickly make a piece of toast and then she promptly exited the kitchen, muttering a brief hello to her dad. 

Bella, who had come downstairs already in her shoes and coat, walked out the door and called back to her sister, "We're leaving now."

"Oh..." Eleanor quickly finished her nervous rambling about school, not having fully realized she had been talking since she sat down at the table. "I better go, Dad. Be safe at work. I love you." The words came out slightly rushed as Eleanor worked to clean up her breakfast and grab her coat. She could hear the truck's engine in the driveway and though she knew Bella couldn't leave without her while Charlie was home, she didn't want to risk making her sister angry.

"Always am safe. You have a good first day at school, Bug. Love you." The words reached Eleanor and she rushed back to her dad to give him a hug goodbye, no longer worried if Bella would be mad at her. She loved her dad and she realized she shouldn't skip a proper goodbye just because she felt pressured to hurry. Charlie gave his gentle daughter a reassuring smile as she turned to leave, giving her the extra courage she needed to brave her new school.

It was clear to Eleanor that Bella was not in the mood for morning chit-chat, the loud volume of the staticky radio inside the truck's cab being one clue. So, the car remained silent throughout the drive, not that Eleanor minded. She was okay with silence. It was something she was used to. Instead of talking, Eleanor used the drive to give herself a quick pep-talk. 'It's going to be great Eleanor. You can do this. Just be positive. And who knows, you might even make a friend! You can do this.'  She repeated the positive words over and over, anxiously pulling at her sleeves as her nerves finally settled in.

Bella did not find Eleanor's pep-talk as helpful. While her younger sister might believe she was only thinking the words, Bella could hear the low mumbling of the self-directed encouragements. It was one of Eleanor's quirks that others found endearing, but Bella had always hated it. The low whispers grated on Bella's nerves and when she finally pulled up to the school parking lot, she wasted no time turning off the vehicle and bolting for the front office, hoping to distance herself from her sister and the rusty truck. She didn't need people seeing her with either.

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