Chapter Four: Swift Departure

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It was a stormy Sunday night and Eleanor was curled up on the living room floor under a blanket finishing a puzzle, her dad was sat on the couch behind her watching a baseball game, and Bella was out with the Cullens playing baseball. Eleanor was calm, her mind in a different world as she worked on her puzzle. The slam of the front door and Bella's yelling were a shock to the peaceful environment and both her and Charlie jumped. Coming out of her daze, it took Eleanor a moment to catch up to the events around her and when she finally did, Charlie was yelling at Bella to stay.

"Bells, you can't go now. It's nighttime." Bella didn't even turn around at Charlie's desperate plea and Eleanor rushed to stand up, not wanting her sister to leave either.

"Just let me go, Charlie. It didn't work out, okay? I really, really hate Forks!" Bella's words rang out in the now quiet house, both Charlie and Eleanor taking a step back in hurt at the words Bella repeated. They were the same words Renee had used when she left Charlie all those years ago.

Eleanor recovered from her shock quicker than her dad and stumbled out the door to her sister, desperate to try one last time to repair their bond and get Bella to stay.

"Please Bella. Don't leave, you're my big sister. I love you. Please don't leave." Eleanor begged Bella to stay, her eyes already watering at the thought of Bella walking away.

"God, Eleanor! Not everything is about you! You're almost 16, you need to grow up. When will you realize that I don't like you and I have never liked you? Get over yourself."

Eleanor flinched, tears falling from her eyes. She did not recover from her shock at Bella's words this time. She stood outside in the rain, unable to move, and watched the truck's lights as they disappeared down the street. It was Charlie who got Eleanor inside, ushering his daughter into the warm house.

It was official, Eleanor had lost her sister. Their relationship had never been great, but she had always tried to be there for Bella and be patient with her older sister. She knew Bella might not like her, but it seemed now as though Bella despised her. Eleanor didn't understand what she had done to Bella for her to hate her so much. She leaned into her dad and offered him a long hug, something they both needed, before she went upstairs to her room. It was a quiet and somber night in the Swan household.


Eleanor spent the next two days adjusting. Both her and Charlie were still deeply affected by Bella's words. Eleanor hadn't been her usual talkative and cheery self and Charlie was more distracted. They both hadn't realized how unhappy Bella was, her departure and harsh words came out of left field and left both of them reeling. The school days were quiet for Eleanor, it seemed as though both of her friends had also disappeared this week, she guessed for another family camping trip. But still, it would have been nice to see a friendly face during the day.

Jake had been Eleanor's saving grace. She had called him Wednesday morning after a nightmare in tears and told him what Bella had said and of her departure. Jacob was furious. Eleanor was the sweetest girl he knew and clearly Bella didn't deserve her kindness. He didn't understand how anyone could hate Eleanor, but most of all he was saddened to hear her so upset.

When he received the phone call, he had driven over to her house first thing. Eleanor had opened the door with a blotchy face, eyes red and tear stains on her cheeks and immediately burst into a round of harsh sobs at her best friend's face. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her, drop everything to come and offer her support, and she couldn't think of anything she had needed more in that moment than her best friend. Bella's words had really gotten to Eleanor, but seeing Jake brought her a welcome sense of comfort.

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