Chapter 17

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Raven apartment in the media,

Raven apartment in the media,

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Raven POV:

I've been thinking about taking Evelyn since that Saturday. Since the first time I saw her, I've attempted to keep my inevitable desire at bay. It's safe to say that it didn't work. At the college, a relationship between a student and a teacher is completely prohibited, yet I can't help but imagine what my relationship with Evelyn would be like.

We have 8 months remaining of the course, and I'm willing to put everything on the line for this girl. She has no idea how much of an effect she has on me. I was jealous that night when I saw her flirting with one of her bar customers. I don't like the idea of her flirting with other people, and I'm going to make sure she knows it tonight.

After a lot of encouragement from both me and André, I knew Eliza was going to admit to Skye that she liked her tonight. I'm elated to know that my two best friends have finally found two people that they really like.

Everyone except Skye and Eliza remained seated at the table, and it appeared that we were all of the same mind that it was time to call it a night and head back home.

I watched as Eve turned to Mia "I hope you had a good time tonight, Mia. I know it was very last minute, but we didn't want you to skip out on your 18th birthday celebration."

Mia appeared to be in tears after Eve's words, "Thank you so much, Eve. I'm so glad I met you and Skye; you're my best friends." Eve smiled and pulled Mia into a hug, saying, "You guys are mine, too."

With a smile on our faces, the rest of us at the table observed the exchange. Isla and André had gotten up from the table."Hey, Eve we're heading back to ours..are you coming?" Eve then turned to face me and saw the hunger in my eyes that hadn't subsided since the minute we we stepped foot on that dance floor. The feeling of her body grinding against mine is truly something else.

"No, I think I'm going to stay somewhere else for the evening," she shuddered as she held my intense stare. "Okay, well have fun, be safe, and use protection," Isla said, smirking while looking between me and Eve. "God, when will she stop?" Evelyn groaned, her face flushed a deep shade of red. We all laughed at her flustered state.

Jess then turned to Mia and asked, "Would you like me to take you back home?" Mia paused for a moment before nodding and smiling at her offer. I knew Skye and Eliza would most likely be leaving together, so as everyone else left the table, I looked over to the only other person left.

I smirked at the sight of Eve gripping either side of her seat uncomfortably while rubbing her legs together. "Are you alright, darling?" I then approached her, leaned in close to her ear, and asked in a low husky tone, "Would you like some help with that?"

She whimpered at my tone of voice, I'm guessing she's trying to get accustomed to my abrupt personality shift. She jerked her head up and down hurriedly. I tsked at the sight and slightly bit down on her earlobe. "I need words, Evelyn," I could feel her skin flush with goosebumps. "Y-yes." That was it, there was no turning back now; I wanted her and I was going to have her.

// Time skip

I pushed her up against the nearest wall and pinned her hands above her head as soon as we had entered my apartment and I had locked the door. I leaned in close to her neck and inhaled her delicious scent before gently running my lips up the column of throat and hovering them over her own.

"Do you realise how badly I've wanted you since the first time I saw you outside the college?" She mewled at the question, trying to meet my lips with her own, but I drew back slightly and smirked at her "hm?" She wriggled in my grip and gave me a slightly confident look, "n-no, so why don't you show me?"

Mhm, this one is always a brat, which is one of the things that attracts me to her so much. I flipped her around so that her face was flat against the wall and her arms were still pinned above her head with one of my own. "You know I've always enjoyed a good challenge." I kicked her feet apart while reaching my arm around and under her dress to make contact with her clothed vagina.

The instant I saw her in this revealing skimpy dress, I was almost tempted to take her into the closest bathroom stall. She shivered as I began to move my fingers in small circles over her still clothed vagina, I groaned slightly at the sensation of feeling how wet she was.

"You're dripping wet, sweetheart. Is all of this for me?" I could feel her trying to move against my hand, but it was difficult as I had her pinned to the wall. "Y-yes, all for you, Miss O'conner."

The way she said my name sent shivers down my spine and flipped an invisible switch inside me that I knew would only be satisfied when I showed this girl who she now belonged to. I slowly moved my hand away and heard her whimper at the loss of my touch, I took a full step back and smirked. She turned to face me, her brows furrowed in confusion, "w-what's wrong, why did you stop?"

I didn't respond as I reached forward, bending down and picking her up with my hands resting on her lovely ass, then turned and walked into my bedroom. I almost sang my next words to her  "As comfortable as that wall appears to be, I believe my bed would be more comfortable for the way I'm about to ravage your entire being."

A//N Don't worry you haven't been robbed.

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