31. Camila

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I'd keep that promise. I would absolutely keep that promise.


Coffee. I needed coffee, stat. My brain was fuzzy and my muscles were sluggish, and the late-night poker and even later-night sex had worn me out. After  quick shower, I grabbed my clutch purse and my phone, and headed downstairs. I didn't bother hunting out coffee in the kitchen. I was a coffee-shop kind of woman, and besides, I really should get to know the cafes in this neighbourhood. It was going to my neighbourhood soon, and that prospect brought a grin to my face as I pressed the down button in the elevator. 

My elevator.

My lobby.

I couldn't believe I'd said yes so quickly, so easily to her question. I should be terrified of packing up and moving across the country. I should hem and haw, and think and consider. But as I pushed open the door of our building, stepping out into the bright morning sun on our block, I knew.

There was no question about it.

Lauren and I were more than solid. We had a future, a bright and beautiful, smart and seductive future. She was my match; she was the one I hadn't been looking for, but who had found her way to me regardless. She was the one I couldn't imagine being without. To think we'd started as a one-night stand, and now we'd become. . . well, we'd become indispensable to each other.

As I ordered my coffee - black with room for cream - I considered that it might be a risk moving here with her. I could get hurt. I could be left. Worse of all, I could be played like a fool.

And yet, this was Lauren, and she wasn't that kind of woman. She'd be more likely to travel to Pluto than play me. Maybe love made you take chances, or maybe real love made you take the right chances.

I poured cream in the coffee, knowing she was the right chance.

I left the café and ran a finger over my right breast to double-triple check that the money for Austin was still tucked safely in my bra and ready to turn over. Safe and sound and nestled against me.

My phone buzzed, and I pulled it from my purse.

On my way. Be there in ten minutes. Love you. 

My stomach rumbled, a reminder I hadn't had much dinner last night. The restaurant where we were meeting Austin was one block away, but I wasn't going to show up early to eat and risk running into Austin alone just because my tummy was growling. I was a big girl and could withstand hunger. Besides, once we were through with the mobster, I was planning on ordering French toast with butter and syrup, and enjoying every single bite. I texted back, letting Lauren know I was parked outside the café at a tiny little sidewalk table.

I sank down in the metal chair, took a drink of my coffee, and scammed the block that would soon become second nature to me. With my sunglasses on, I watched the world of Studio City go by on a Sunday morning, checking out hip families  with young children racing ahead of them, surveying couples draped over each other, guys and guys, girls and girls, girls and guys, then an inked young man headed to a tattoo shop across the street called No Regrets. Great name for a tattoo parlour, I thought, as he entered, probably to add to his markings.

My phone rang, and it was a 917 number I didn't recognise, so I answered in case Lauren was borrowings Zayn's phone. Maybe her cell had died.


"Hey, Camila! It's Vero. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time"

I leaned back and smiled, "Nope. Just enjoying this gorgeous morning in Los Angeles"

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