39. Camila

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"I'm going to miss you so much" I said.

"I'm going to miss you too. But we'll see each other"

"We will"

"And don't worry about a thing, I'll take care of everything. Every-single-thing. Now go"

I wrapped my best friend in one final hug, and then said goodbye as the sun rose over Miami.

Camila: I would have called you last night when I read your note, but it was one thirty in the morning my time , and I didn't want to wake you up. But I was over the moon! I literally danced on my bed, and screamed with happiness. Does that me an awful witch for celebrating a man's potential incarceration? I hope not. And I can't think of a better present. Well, I can think of a better present. . .

Lauren: Did I somehow give you the impression I would be unreceptive to a middle of the night call from you? I'd answer anytime. Be ready anytime. I am always ready.

Camila: I didn't want to be rude and wake you up. But what you did is amazing. I can't believe you found him. Wait. I can believe it. You are some kind of master fixer.

Lauren: Call me Miss. Fix-It. I can fix things around the house too. I am very good with my hands.

Camila: I believe I am well acquainted with your manual dexterity.

Lauren: You should get reacquainted with it.

Camila: About your note from last night. . . So. . . this whole adoration thing. . . are we talking pedestal, shrine, or just overall worship level?

Lauren: More than worship. You are adored on every level. I can't even joke about it because it's all too true.

Camila: omg! I almost forgot about my news! I won a contest for my Purple Snow Globe!

Lauren: As you predicted the night I met you. Tell me more.

Camila: A big drink company offered me a contract. I might need a lawyer to look at the fine print. Help a lady out?

Lauren: Of course, but I'm waiving my fee. You can pay me in blow jobs.

Camila: I'd give you those for free.

Lauren: I want more.

Camila: I'd give you more anyway. Maybe you can tie me up, tie me down, or tie me all around.

Lauren: Don't tease me. You know I love the way you look in my ties.

Camila: I'm not teasing.

Lauren: Yes you are. You've never been a tease. Except when you tease.

Camila: I'm not teasing now, I miss you like crazy.

Lauren: I have a pill you can take that cures that. It's called come live with me.

Camila: Question: How much do you adore me?

Lauren: Answer: So much I can't measure it.

Camila: How much do you love me?

Lauren: More than I know what to do with.

Camila: How happy would you be if I said yes to your offer?

Lauren: One word: Immeasurably.

after this night (camren)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant