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hajime's pov

"are we leaving soon?" kazuichi whines, "my legs hurt!"

"that's your own problem. why didn't you get on any rides?" peko asks, from beside mukuro. kazuichi groans louder.

"motion sickness." fuyuhiko answers for him, cotton candy in hand. we stood in front of a rollercoaster, waiting for chiaki and sonia to get off so we could leave.

"i am aware of that. how about the kid rides, then?"

"that's fucking humiliating, peko! stop laughing at me!" he practically barks at her, swatting his hand in her direction. not hitting her though, he's too scared to.

a few minutes pass, chiaki and sonia are walking towards us with big smiles on their faces. we wave at them.

"hey, you two ready to leave?" fuyuhiko asks, as kazuichi steals his cotton candy. chiaki looks at sonia, then whispering something in her ear. sonia nods, her grin widening.

"not yet, just one more ride!" the taller blonde replies, "follow me!" with that she starts walking.

kazuichi groans again.

eventually though, we made it to the ferris wheel. the one ride i've been avoiding. i have nothing personal against it, i just find it boring.

"so, sonia and chiaki get on and we leave?"

yeah that's what i thought. i have no clue how i ended up sitting in front of nagito all on our own. really, all i remember is kazuichi crying over dropping his cotton candy.

"hajime!" my eyes snap over to nagito as i jump a bit. has he been calling me this whole time? ah shit, i hadn't realized.

"uh.. yes?"

"you spaced out. you alright?" nagito asks, with a cute tilt of his head. i gulp.

no, im not alright. im in love with your dumbass, and now we're alone. the fuck should i do...? who's idea was it to leave me alone...

"ah yeah, im good." i force out, giving him an awkward smile. he can clearly tell its fake. so he leans over slightly, holding onto my hand.

he simply smiles at me. and for some reason, i find comfort in his smile. enough comfort to...

a few minutes pass by. its quiet, a comfortable silence.

"i just-" "nagito-"

we speak at the same time, then shutting up simultaneously. we chuckle a bit, but he motions for me to continue.

"well... i um," i take a deep breath. "i just wanted to say that i really like you.."

"pardon me?"

"— your jacket, i really like your jacket." i blurt out. damn it why did i say that. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

"oh. well thank you! its just the one i always wear, though?" he's confused, letting go of my hand as he starts brushing off his jacket.

"well, i like it. its nice..." i mumble, now looking out the window. the rest of the ride is silent. however this time, its an awkward silence.


"so, how'd it go?" chiaki grins at me, clearly excited.

i visibly tense up. avoiding her gaze.

"alright, i guess. we just waited for the ride to finish." i reply dryly, as i continue walking to the car. i can see her tilting her head, frowning.

"you didn't talk about anything? y'know... interesting?"

"no, chiaki. it was a silent ride." and with that i get in the car and start it. she sighs, crossing her arms.

"alright, bye hajime. bye guys!" she waves at the group as she goes over to sonia's car with nagito. the rest of the group gets into my car.

"the fuck was that about?" fuyuhiko raises a brow, as he seats himself in the back. peko and mukuro on either side of him. kazuichi reluctantly gets in front, a barf bag in his hands.

"i don't know what you're talking about."

"cmon hajime, we were trying to set you two up!" kazuichi looks over at me, eyeing me suspiciously. "you're telling me nothing happened?"

"no. nothing. nada."

"oh shit hajime's bisexual now?"

"dumbass thats bilingual."

three things:
1. not proof read at all
2. i deadass forgot how to write. im sure you're all like "finn wtf is this" ... i dont know. i am just a boy...,,,
3. thanks for all the support on the story!! you're all too sweet to me

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