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hajimes pov

is it normal not to focus in class because you're thinking of a white-haired lucky guy? because that is exactly what im going through right now. although its understandable considering the past few events... shit, that reminds me. i gotta call kazuichi.

the day goes by slow, probably because im actually looking forward to school ending. math feels like an eternity. eventually, its lunch time. natsumi is talking my ear off about god knows what while im just trying to eat my sandwich.

and so, i decide to go to the bathroom. while in a stall, i take out my phone.


kazuichi 🦈
dude u cant just text me my name with no other context.

is anyone near you

kazuichi 🦈
i mean mahiru is but why are u being so weird

it's about nagito. u got a minute?

kazuichi 🦈
oh? oh. 😏
i have a lot of minutes, hajime.
tell me everything

and so i did, every last detail. he seemed happy for me, considering all the emojis he sent. its nice to talk to him, though. despite the terrible advice he gives, and how stupid he can be... he's still my best friend.


i suddenly hear a loud and somewhat gruff voice speak outside the stall. confused, i peak outside and see — nekomaru nidai, shsl team manager. what's he doing on this side of the school..?

"are you done here? im about to take a shit and... you might not wanna be here is all i gotta say!" he says — well he yells, then laughing loudly. i tilt my head, still confused.

"why can't you just use... the other bathrooms? you know, on the other side of school."

"those are out of service. guilty!" he laughs again but then abruptly stops. "no seriously, get out."

that was... weird. but reluctantly i leave the bathroom to go back to class since lunch is about to end. no one's back yet so i decide to sit in silence. my mind wanders to only one person.

should i listen to kazuichi? he told me to make a move today — like as him on an actual date. is it stupid to say im scared? surely it's reasonable. i mean, nagito makes me nervous. but at the same time, i like the feeling. i like the butterflies in my stomach whenever he gets close to me. and i like it when he gets confident and makes the first move — though i like to tease him just as much.

if i ask anyone they'd say im simply in love, and i know that. what i don't know is how to tell him. i don't want a cliché date, i like staying inside anyway. maybe today is the day?

the day ends, finally. we're given some homework to complete for tomorrow which is annoying but right now i don't care. surely i'll regret that but...

"hajime!" ah, there he is.

"nagito." i turn to him, noticing the rest of my friends with him. kazuichi is grinning from ear to ear, hand in hand with fuyuhiko who has a smirk on his face.

"we were gonna ask if you wanted to hang out but it seems like you got plans" kazuichi looks at me, then back at nagito in the most obvious way possible. i audibly sigh, deciding to ignore them.

"hi chiaki, hello sonia." giving them a smile while kazuichi now huffs. "listen, i need to get going with—"

"nagito. we know." fuyuhiko speaks up, leaning to pat my shoulder. "you two have fun, but not too much." he then smirks again, walking off with kazuichi — well he was more dragging him away.

sonia and chiaki do the same, chiaki giving me a look that i still don't understand. then they walk away while holding hands.

"so, hajime—" he speaks as he holds onto my arm, pulling me closer. "i think we left to movie off when the main character is about to die, right?"


which movie r they watching wrong answers only
also hi! sorry this took so long i was at a hotel and also had no inspiration. i think this book will end soon, probably by chapter 30? i'll definitely write another book, i don't know which ship or i could make it some oneshots? whatever i decide i hope u all enjoy it! OH and enjoy the nekomaru part i love that man okay bye bye [not proof read]

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