Chapter 9

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Secret Feelings

~ Johnny Perspective ~

I hate how every guy is there for her and she allows them to comfort her but when I want to try she pushes me away! For some reason I had walked into Jaydens room to ask her for some advice.

"I need you're help" I muttered as I walked in on her and Conner half naked. Jayden was in her bra and underwear, while Conner had his boxers on. I may be a fuck boy but when it comes to Jayden, I don't bother to think of her the way I think of every other girl and there bodies. "what the fuck!!!" Jayden yelled pulling the covers over her and Conner.

"I need your help" I repeated with an annoyed tone. "Can't you see we're busy" she muttered as she started to put her clothes on from under the covers "I don't care" I muttered back. Conner rolled his eyes while getting out of bed to put his clothes back on.

"Why does Annie keep pushing me away" I asked as Conners head snaps towards me. However, I ignored it and kept my attention on Jayden "I don't fucking know go ask her" she responded back still mad at the fact that I ruined her and Conners sex time.

"I'm serious! I'm trying to confort her and she pushes me away!" I yelled. All the sudden I heard laughter, I look over at Conner, giving him a death stare "what's so funny" I muttered rolling my eyes. "Dude, what do you think Annie sees you as" Conner said still laughing at my comment. "How the fuck do I know" I replied back as Jayden hit her forehead

"She obviously thinks you're heartless, and cruel, you've never given her a reason to think otherwise, you left her pregnant, do you really think she'll forgive you for that?" Jayden mutters. I stayed silent, I don't like feeling this way but I can't help it. I tried hiding it and it didn't seem to work, so I thought maybe if me and Annie get together I'll get over it but I can't do that unless I put my guard down.

I sighed as I walked out Conner and Jaydens room "Daddy" I heard Hope say as she started to run at me. I smile while picking her up. No ones ever seen me smile, not even Lauren and I've lived her my whole life, but Hope was different. She made me happy, the type of feeling I don't feel, and she's the only person I'll ever let my guard down with.

"What's wrong princess" I questioned as she pulled me into a hug "mommy trying to find me" she said. My smile slowly faded away at the thought of Annie. "Will then, I guess we need to bring you to her"

I walked to another hallway and spotted Annie listening in on mine and Hopes conversation. "I've never seen you smile before...." She mumbled. I didn't respond back though, part of me was pissed but the other part knew she had a reason to be even more angrier with me.

Annies tried to grab her but Hope was reluctant towards it "Nooo I want daddy" she said hugging me even tighter. I watched Annies face turn into sadness. I could tell it hurt her more than she acted like it did.

"How about we both play with you" I commented as Hopes smile grew "ok!" She said while I looked over at Annie. We went into a room and I put Hope down while getting out some barbies "I was cars!" She said

I looked up at Annie in confusion "she doesn't enjoy barbies" Annie added pulling out ten different small car. Each of them were multiple colours and had a double digit number on it. Hope picks up a a red and yellow car and starts to drive it around the room

"I can't believe I'm going to do this" I mutter as I grab a car and attempted to go faster than Hope. She soon started laughing while running even faster. I felt a smile appear on my face while Annie joined "you guys suck at this" she said as Hope jumped on her "hey!!! That's not fair!" Annie argued

For the first time I didn't feel alone, I never wanted this moment to end, but I couldn't control how long it lasted. A second after Annie joined in on the laughter we started hearing gun shots. I heard windows shatter and the gang run into the room

"Mommy I'm scared" Hope said running over to Annie. I pulled out a gun and started to load it "theres to many! We can't put them all down" Carson shouted, trying to speak over the gun shots.

"Bring Annie and Hope to the secret spot" I said as I kept loading more bullets. "Did you not hear him! You'll die!" Annie shouted. But I ignored her, this wasn't the time to argue, my focused was on keeping Annie and Hope safe.

"Johnny!!!" She shouted trying to get my attention. "For god sake!" She shouted again, this time smacking the gun out of my hand. "What the hell!!! I'm trying to keep you and our daughter safe!" I yelled at her but she didn't seem to care. She grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the secret spot. Lauren had already gone with Hope. Carson and Conner started to follow me in

"They are going to destroy my work!" I shouted trying to escape Annies hard grip without hurting her "just kiss him so he can shut the fuck up" Carson said. "That's— not a bad idea" I said smirking at Annie as she stops to give me a glare "stop" she muttered.

When we finally got to our location, Hope was in Lauren's arms, while Lauren tried calling her down. "Mommy!" Hope said as she stared to run to Annie "thank god you're safe" Annie mumbled under her breath while giving Hope a right hug "daddy!" Hope says with a smile.

I didn't want to smile in front of the whole gang but I couldn't resist it. Without even noticing the smile appeared on my face as Annie handed her over to me. "You're a strong little girl aren't you" I say kissing her forehead.

"Woah....he's smiling" Conner mumbled as Jayden playfully hit him. I put Hope back on the floor so she could walk wherever she wanted, while I turned around to get out of the secret spot "where are you going" Annie asked, stepping in my way.

"I need to get my papers" I muttered trying to get past her "you're going to die if you go out there!" She argued pushing me away from the door. "My recruits are in those papers! I don't have those saved!!" I shouted back, attempting to push past her without trying to hurt her, but she wouldn't budge.

"I'm not letting you go" she muttered as I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to hurt you but that doesn't mean I won't" I said trying to threaten her. All the sudden she leaned in and smashed her lips against mine.

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