Chapter 11

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She's Making You Weak

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

Hearing those words come out of Annies mouth broke my heart into a million pieces, I was in love with her and I knew that, but now I can't show the only girl I've ever truly love how capable I am of loving a girl.

I was in my office, trying to do work while my mind was on the Annie situation that happened this morning. I threw my papers across the room in angry, hearing her say those words repeatedly. "Fuck!!!" I shouted at my head and the mess I've been.

A second later I see Cole standing at the door confused "what happened" he questioned as I sighed while sitting back onto my chair. Cole was another one of my friends in the Mafia, he just doesn't love in this mansion with me and the rest of the gang because he lives with strippers, and I mean girls who are always twerking naked around the house.

"Everything" I responded after getting my thoughts into place. I hear Colds footsteps come closer as he entered my office "it's that Annie girl isn't it" he asked sitting on a chair on the other side of my desk.

I grab a pen and look down at my papers while sorting some things out, ignoring his question. "I told you she would make you weak. Look what's happening to you!" He commented as I sighed "what do you what me to do?!" I questioned muttering at him. He leaned back on his chair while smirking

"Come to my place, there's more than ten girls waiting to for you to taste them" he commented as I leaned back on my chair. Maybe this is what I need to get Annie out of my head "fine" I say agreeing to him.

I put my papers away and follow Cole out the office. "We have a problem!" Jayden shouted in a worried tone. "We'll talk about it when I get back" I muttered while going out the door, until Jayden slammed it in my face "what the hell!" I shouted as I was about to grab her by the neck "Annies gone!" She yelled backing away from me, and closer to Conner so I wouldn't be able to touch her.

"Come on dude! The girls are waiting" Cole shouted from the car. I looked away from Jayden "she'll be fine" I mumbled as I walked into the car with Cole.

As he started to drive I looked out the window thinking about how Annie really was doing. She'll come back, I know she will. But then I thought of Hope "shit!" I mumbled. "I need to get out" I yelled, frightening Cole as he slammed on the breaks.

I didn't give Cole any time to ask what was wrong, I had already speeded out the car. The rain started pouring as I made my way back home "did you guys find her" I questioned closing the door behind me. "False alarm...she came back..." Jayden mumbled as I rolled my eyes. "Are you fucking serious right now?!!" I shouted in anger

I went up to my room and dialled Coles number "you good?" He asked over the phone "yeah, just a false alarm, those girls still at your place?" I asked sitting on the bed "there always here"

The small smirk on my face fades away quickly as I see Annie listening in. I quickly hang up the phone "what are you doing here" I mumbled while giving her glares. "This is my room too..." she mumbled back. I forgot we were sharing a room in this hideout. I'm so use to having my own room

Without giving me a second to say another word she had walked out with Hope following. I sighed and laid on my bed while waiting for Cole to come back. It didn't feel right, going to Colds house that was full of naked girls. But I've been very hard and Annie isn't going to help that, she's to much of a goodie to shoes.

~ Annies Perspective ~

I had tears run down my face before turning back to Hope. My feelings were stronger for Johnny then I had known, and it hurt knowing he'll be having sex with a bunch of other girls. "Want me to take care of Hope" Conner questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts "that would be great" I responded back with a small smile.

A little while after Johnny left the hideout, I was planning on leaving before Harry stopped me "sorry, I can't let you go out again" He says while putting his hand up, signalling me to stop. "Johnnys rules..." he added, mumbling.

I rolled my eyes while groaning. "This isn't fair!" I shouted but not at Harry. I know he was just doing his job, and his loyalty was quite strong for Johnny. "I'm sorry.." he mumbled again. I looked him in the eyes while watching them safe back into mine.

I finally snapped out of it and looked away "I'll be in my room then" I sighed as I walked past Conner playing with Hope and Carson and Lauren making out. Although this time I was disgusted, it was rather cute.

A few minutes I heard a knock on my room door "come in" I said looking down at my phone. It was a shock when Harry walked into the room "need some company?" He asked. How did I not notice his attractiveness before.

His blonde-brownish hair with hazel eyes, the way his muscles show although he looks skinny, the way his jawline is, how he's always so polite—

My thoughts were cut off by hearing him clear his throat in awkwardness. "Sorry" I apologized as he sat next to me. I felt chills around my body. But I don't think it's anything special considering that I've always gotten chills around attractive men.

"You have a nice jawline" I said looking at his side profile while he chuckled at my comment, making me let out a small laugh. "Really, I hadn't noticed"

I playfully roll my eyes at his sarcasticnsss. It wasn't long before we started to ramble on about random things, but we mostly talked about Hope. I liked talking about my daughter to other people, and Harry didn't seem bothered by it at all.

" and Lauren use to hook up..." I mumbled making things awkward. The smile on his face faded as he looked down at his finger tips "yeah...she is a beautiful girl but at the end of the day, that's all it was to her"

I gave him a confuse look "her?" I questioned. I watched him put on a fake smile while looking back up at me "I had feelings for her, but she liked Carson. Anyways, it's fine, I'm happy for her" he says clearing his throat.

Before I knew it mine and Harry's lips were touching and I was on top of him. Everything started to go so fast I barley had time to process it. The way his hand moved around my body and the way he kissed my lips and then went down to my neck.

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