15 | Unconditionally

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You stilled, your jaw dropping in surprise, though you kept a hold on the bat in your grasp, staring at the cat boy right outside your bedroom, clearly looking for you. What the fuck?!

He scanned the room, and when he found you, backed up against the door, with your trusty weapon in hand, he smiled shyly, and waved. “Could you let me in?” he asked sheepishly.

You just stared for a second, attempting to collect your thoughts, then shouted, “Sacré bleu, what do you want?! I was in the middle of splendid tranquility, damn it!”

Chat Noir couldn’t help but burst out laughing, but that put him off balance, and he went toppling out of sight again; you screeched in shock, dropped your bat, and went running over to the aperture. You opened it aggressively, and looked around frantically, before at last finding him hanging on barely on the ledge of the window — you grabbed his gloved hands, and started to haul him upwards.

“(Y/n), are you ok?” your mum called out, all of a sudden, which caused you to freeze up. “Why were you screaming?”

“Err, uh, one of the characters in the anime I was watching died!” you replied nervously, while still pulling Chat Noir out of his compromising position.

“Ok, but try to keep quiet, we do have neighbours you know,” your mother scolded, as her footsteps faded away in the direction of the kitchen.

“Yup, yes, of course mother! Oui, si, ja, da, certo!” you gabbled, at last managing to get the cat hero into your room, as you slammed the window shut.

You certainly know how to say yes in quite a few languages,” Chat Noir finally spoke, after catching his breath, giving you a sly look.

It is to… to make a point!” you defended, grabbing your glass of chocolate milk, and taking a sip to calm your nerves. “More importantly, why are you here?!” you interrogated, prodding his shoulder, trying to seem intimidating.

Easy there,” he chuckled, taking your wrist, “I just decided to check up on my favourite civilian.

How do you even know where I live?!” you practically blew a fuse, not quite understanding what was going on, panicking immensely.

"I cannot disclose where I get my information from, darling," he purred, winking in a flirty manner, giving your hand back to you.

(You vaguely recalled telling Adrien the name of your street, and then stored that muse for another occasion.)

"Oh no, no, no, don't you darling me, sir," you hissed, folding your arms. "If you are unfamiliar with law, this is called breaking and entering, and can get you either a hefty fine or a couple of months in prison—"

"Ralentir, mon amour," Chat Noir laughed, leaning against your wall casually, playing with his leather tail. "I'm not too bad at English but your language is full of words that don't need to be used a lot of the time."

"Over half of French consists of confessing your love in different ways!" you retorted, "That is… err," you paused, searching for the right French word. "Uh… that is…"

"Inutile?" Chat Noir offered, raising an eyebrow beneath his mask.

"Yes, yes! Oui! Inutile!" you exclaimed triumphantly, grinning at him like a dork.

Uptown, Downtown (Chat Noir x Reader) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now