38 | Here Comes The Sun

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This simply won’t do at all, (Y/n),” Mr Damocles scolded, the next day, after school, as you sat precariously in his office, with Lila in the chair next to you. “We can’t tolerate violence like this in our school! Lila was simply trying to help you!

(Lila had requested a soft chair because of her supposed sore legs from doing a walk for charity yesterday.)

(Also apparently your punch had almost broken her cheekbone?—)

Je comprends,” you muttered, bowing your head. “Je suis vraiment désolé.

I’d first like you to apologise to Lila, and then you will have a detention after school today for half an hour,” Mr Damocles instructed, giving you a glare.

You took a deep breath, fully knowing that you deserved this treatment. “Je suis vraiment désolé.” You repeated soullessly to Lila, without looking at her properly.

It’s fine, (Y/n),” Lila assured, placing her hand against her chest, “I may never truly understand why you did it, even though I understood what you said, but I’m glad you don’t hate me!” she smiled tearfully, although her eyes glinted with malice, as if she’d gotten what she wanted; and that was you being punished.

... you understood me speaking English?” you asked slowly.

Yes, I’m quite fluent in it,” she responded gleefully, and you knew she wasn’t lying then because she was making you aware that she knew more about you than she should.

It was so hard not to punch her again at that moment.

She’d already gotten as much karma as she needed, as far as you were concerned. You’d already had to apologise to her in front of your classmates, and they only forgave you when Lila had “pleaded” with them to do so, playing the beautiful, empathetic angel who held no grudges. But she clearly did — you were very sure that from now on she’d try everything she possibly could to make your life a misery.

She was too late on that one, it partially already was a misery.

Right, both of you go back to class then. (Y/n), I’ll be emailing your parents.” Mr Damocles spoke.

They might not reply for a while, they are at the police station right now,” you informed the principal causally, as you stood up.

Excuse me?” Mr Damocles’ jaw dropped, and Lila’s expression morphed from hidden smugness to genuine shock.

They were akumatized,” you explained simply. “I’ll attend my detention in my class now.” You added briefly, before leaving the office.

As you walked back to class, a call caught your attention, from Lila, as she rushed after you. “(Y/n)! Wait! I’ll walk you to class!

Unbeknownst to her, you rolled your eyes as you turned around, and stared at her blankly, as she stopped in front of you with an innocent smile. “Lila, I’m going to be frank with you,” you sighed irritably, “how did you know about my brother?

Lila blinked in surprise — “I told you, my mum knows someone who works at your dad’s newspaper branch,” she replied in confusion.

Uptown, Downtown (Chat Noir x Reader) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now