Chapter 7

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Picking at the food on the table and getting a drink, she turned to face the two boys, "Hey Sky, Riven, enjoying the party?" The two exchanged a look; Riven started answering, "we're not really supposed to be here,given that it's an orientation party, and we're second years," Sky continued, "but we were hoping to see you, there are some things we need to talk about." Sage looked hesitant.

"Okay... What did you want to talk about?"

"Not here, let's go for a walk; I'm sure Riven knows a path that has the least amount of people." having said that, the three of them walked out of the building in the direction of the forest.

Sky decided that it would be best to start with some small talk before approaching the discussion of Soulmates, "how did you find out you were a fairy? Since you're adopted, I assumed you don't know about your heritage."

"You assume correctly; I didn't know I was a fairy. The first 'power', I guess you could call it, that I noticed was Water. I noticed that when I was younger, I was ridiculously good at swimming. I took to it quickly, not like most, not to mention I wasn't afraid of the water like the other kids."

Taking in a breath and sighing, "Then I noticed Earth, I found that I could somehow feel the plants around me; their emotions and energy surrounded me; I enjoyed being outside. There was a park nearby I went to every day where I laid in the grass and took in all of the energy of the plants around me."

"Finally, came Mind; I found myself knowing when my sister was pissed or upset, even though she was in the room next to me or downstairs. Later as the emotions got stronger, I found that I could hear people's thoughts and answer questions that my family would ask themselves in their head."

"Honestly, before Dowling came, I thought I was losing my mind, and it was scary. Then, I found that the only way that I could be alone with my thoughts was by wearing these headphones and blasting music until my brain went numb, and I could focus on myself."

"Even now, I still haven't got a good handle on my powers, so often, especially in crowds, I have to have some form of loud music in my ears to block out all of the constant waves of thoughts and emotions flowing from hormonal and self-critical teens."

"So, can you hear what Riven and I are thinking all the time?" "I can, but I try not to, I feel as though people deserve the privacy of being in their head, and I shouldn't invade that. Although, sometimes, strong emotions or thoughts do come through without me wanting them to."

Riven, having enough of the small talk decided just to get the big question over with, "how do you feel about soulmates?"

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