Bestfran 💖🤞🏽

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Zoey's POV

It was Sunday and I was out with Trinity at the mall. Every since the basketball game me and her have been getting pretty close and I was happy to have somebody to hangout out with and just to talk to.

"So. Lil Ke'shaun been keeping you away from me" Trinity said looking at shirts

"Gurl this morning he wouldn't let me leave and I had to cook him breakfast to let me go"

"Y'all are cute Bruh I wish I had that type of relationship" she said

"Why didn't you say something earlier girl I can be your match maker"

She shaked her head

"No ALL niggas are hoes except for your man and maybe Jesus but other than that I just can't trust them personally" she said

She told me about her ex that used to beat on her and he almost killed her and that's why she's been homeschooled her whole life.

"I feel you Trin but sometimes you gotta take risks to get that little bit of happiness you know?"

She smiled at me

"Okay enough with the boy talk, I need some new outfits. It's starting to get cold outside."


After spending the day at the mall it was now around 8 o'clock and we was walking around her neighborhood.

"Y'all fucked!" Trin yelled


"Whatt how was it?" She asked

"It was amazing, for the first time loosing my virginity"

"Wow but anyways I'm scared to go to school tomorrow" Trin said

"Don't even worry about in the morning I'm going to come and pick you up and we gonna get breakfast and then imma help you find your classes and shit"

"You don't have too, you prolly got other friends" she said

"Hell nah definitely not at that school but I can introduce you to Dre and nem"

She nodded

"Well it's time for us to get home" Trin said leading me back to my car.

We got in and somebody knocked on my car window. We couldn't see nobody since it was pitch dark outside.

"Who the fuck is that" Trin said

I rolled down my window and my Ex Quay was drinking a whole bottle of Hennessy.


"Zee.. I miss you and... I love you" he started leaning on my truck.

"Go to your house and stop following me around"

"I don't where to go..." he said slurring his words

"Well I can't help you.. goodbye Quay"

Before I pulled off he threw the empty Hennessy bottle at my car which splattered glass all over my car and inside. My face was bleeding because of the cuts he caused.

"Zoey!" Trin said

"Trin are you ok" I asked her

"Yea nothing hit me. Do I need to call Ke'shaun or somebody?" She asked

"No don't call nobody it's okay we're leaving"

I pulled off towards Trinity's house. She kept looking over at me.

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