Chapter 19

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Draco was talking with you as you both drink and chat as well as get to know each other more

"Favourite colour?" You ask and Draco stops and thinks

"I don't know would green be too obvious?" Draco asks and you shrug

"Yes, it would be too obvious, because most Slytherins I know like green it's to cliche." You say and Draco nods agreeing with you and now it was his turn to ask a question

"What was your Hogwarts house? I never really found that out." Draco says and you nod

"Hufflepuff." You say as he was shocked like really?

"Wow, I see I wouldn't have guessed." He says and you chuckle

"Really? Friends and family are the most important thing to me, it's something I value above all else. And I really don't hide that at all." You say and Draco nods

"I see," Draco says and now it was your turn to ask a question

"Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?" You ask and Draco laughs

"Astoria started calling me dray and well sometimes she'd call me dray-dray I hated it so much especially when she said dray-dray in a baby voice, but her calling me it made her laugh and make her happy, so I let her call me it all so I could see her smile and laugh as I acted annoyed," Draco says and you nod and thought that was so cute. Draco  then looks down at you as you were laying on the couch now "What about you?" He asks and you laugh

"N/n, I was also called mini Padfoot since grandpa Sirius rubbed off on me as a kid and I started becoming basically a copy of him, but my dad would call me his little monster because I was a little monster as a kid." You say and Draco nods

"Well does being called a ferret count as a nickname?" Draco says and you laugh

"Why would people call you a ferret?" You ask and Draco frowns remembering what happened to him that one terrible day

"Well I was fighting with the your father like a normal Thursday or well everyday, and then I got turned into a ferret right in front of your dad and a bunch of other student." Draco says and you start laughing and he looks at you confused why you were laughing

"Is that why my mom yelled at my dad that putting a ferret that pops out of the Christmas card for you is just rude?" You say and Draco nods as he understood why you were now laughing

"Yes." Draco says and you nod as you sip your drink

Draco realized it was his turn to ask a question now

"Have you ever had a secret admirer," Draco asks and you nodded which didn't surprise him

But you didn't say who and Draco was confused by that

"And who was it?" Draco says and you sigh

"Well Scorpius, he forced my twin to put secret gifts from him on my bed in my dorm, and force albus to play dumb when I told albus how a gift was just laying on my bed, because of that I was convinced it was another Hufflepuff." You say and Draco nods

"Ok, so that makes sense why he asked me what do you buy for girls to get them to like you," Draco says laughing and you kinda laugh but just drink some more, not wanting to think of Scorpius, because your mind drifts to seeing him in bed with that woman, and him kissing her as you walked in

"Ok biggest fear?" You ask and Draco stops as he didn't answer for awhile

"I have many but my biggest is not being able to protect my family, I used to be scared of dying but when I die I'll see Astoria so it makes me happier because once I die I'll get to be with her again," Draco says and you nod you understand that your scared of losing albus the one person who has been there right by your side since you were born

"I understand I wouldn't be able to live if I lost Albus." You say and Draco nods

"What's your middle name? I'm just wondering do you have one?" Draco asks and you sigh as you nod

"It's y/n Ginevra potter." You say and Draco looked confused

"Ginevra?" Draco says and you nod

"My mom's name." You say and now Draco was shocked

"Isn't her name Ginny?" Draco says and you laugh

"Her full name is Ginevra Molly Potter but everyone calls her Ginny guess it's easier or something." You say and Draco nods

"Huh, interesting but it is getting late," Draco says looking at his watch and you look at the time on your phone

"Eh, it's only 12 am." You say and Draco picks you up and carries you to bed

"It's late and I have work," Draco says and you nod as Draco puts you down once he got to his bedroom. Draco looked at your ass as you start to take your pants off, all he wanted to do was grab it or smack it but he just stared at it 'Fuck, I love her, I'm in love with sons ex and I don't want this to be just us hooking up, but I shouldn't this is my son's ex I shouldn't even be hooking up with her, but I just can't stop.'

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