Chapter 50

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Today your parents got you to send Lily a letter since she went back to school

Since she did something and she's not listening to your parents so you talked to her

Which hopefully that works

But also today your parents told you of a family thing that's happening tomorrow

"Well I gotta go to this family thing." You say and Draco looks up at you

"I see and I'm guessing I'm not invited." Draco says and you sigh, you knew your parents are gonna have to be around him, like your pregnant with his triplets for Merlins sake

"I just am scared, like my parents want to murder you, even more so now that I'm pregnant." You say and Draco leans down and kisses where the triplets are

"Well they'll have to deal with me, I'm not going anywhere." Draco says and you chuckle

"Yet." You say and Draco laughs

"I got what? 70 or 80 more years left?" Draco says and you nod

"Yeah, if you want to come then sure, if you want my parents and grandparents to murder you sure." You say nervously and Draco kisses you to calm you down which works but he then laughs

"Well for one you are pregnant, I need to make sure your not stressed, because your pregnant with triplets you can't get stressed at all." Draco says and you nod, like it's obvious your parents don't like your relationship, but they aren't saying much

Like your pregnant and they haven't even met Draco as your boyfriend yet

"Also if my dad tries to kill you just take his glasses he won't be able to find you if he's blind." You say and Draco laughs

"I'll keep that in mind." Draco says and you sigh as you think of how not happy your parents are with your new relationship

"But I was kinda hoping to keep you and my parents far away from each other forever." You say and Draco laughs

"What waiting until the wedding?" Draco says joking and you laugh but was shocked what did he say? Wedding? What?

"Oh yeah definitely maybe after it instead." You say and Draco kisses you and you kiss him back as you smile

"Funny, but they are gonna have to get used to me you are pregnant with my children." Draco says and you nod as he kisses your nose

"Yeah just please don't say anything to upset my dad, I know you both don't really like each other but please don't use us being together to get under my dads skin." You say and Draco nods

"So I can't say stuff like she may have called you daddy as a kid but she's calling me daddy now?" Draco says and you hit his arm

"NO!" You say and Draco chuckles

'Y/ns parents are gonna have to get used to me because I ain't going anywhere.'

(Honestly I'm running out of Ideas if you have any tell me and I'll use it)

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