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"Hi mama." I say to my mom who was on my phone screen. She gives me a greeting back, too busy cooking in the kitchen to look at the screen. "你在煮什麼?" what are you cooking?. I ask her, speaking in her native language that she taught me when i was only 3.

"It's Satay my love." She responds. My jaw drops, and i let out a gasp. "You're cooking my favorite chinese dish when i'm not home?" I ask shocked. "You're dad suggested it, so I'm making it, i'll make you some when you visit again." She reassures me.

I sigh, nodding my head. "Liz come get your child!" I hear Vinnie yell as he walks into the kitchen where I was sitting. He had Hera on his arm, his phone in the other.

The entire internet had basically went along with the idea that I was Hera's "mom" ever since i'd been posting lots of videos and photos of her, so Vinnie went along with it too. He sets his phone down beside me, pushing his long curls out of his face.

He notices my mom on the phone, his face lighting up. "Hey Mrs. Amaya, how are you?" He asks, passing Hera over to me. I position her on my lap, holding her paws.

"I'm good Vincent, thank you." She smiles at him. She glances at the screen, a small smirk spreading across her face. "No shirt on around my daughter, huh?" She teases us.

I hadn't even noticed his lack of clothing, but once I did, a blush covered my face. Vinnie laughs, a small blush showing up on his face too. "Sorry, I just woke up from a nap." He excuses, looking over at me. I had my attention on Hera, playing with her in my lap, trying to hide my blush.

"Is that my grandchild there?" My mom asks, thankfully putting us out of our misery and changing the subject. "Yes ma'am, she wouldn't leave me alone, so she gets to annoy Elizabeth now." He jokes.

"She's not annoying, i'm just the favorite. Obviously." I reply as Hera nuzzles into my stomach. Vinnie rolls his eyes, putting his attention back on my mom. "So, Mrs. Amaya, when will I get to taste one of your amazing chinese dishes?" He asks.

"Whenever you come visit, son." She smiles at him, putting seasoning on the dish. "Let me book my flight now then." He looks back at me, a smile on his face. I playfully roll my eyes at his attempt to flirt with my mother.

"Give it a rest Vin, she's taken." I say, referring to my dad.

"Who's taken?" I hear a deep african voice say on the other side of my screen. "Hey, dad." I smile as my father comes into view. "Hi Mr. Rhodes." Vinnie clears his throat.

The two had talked on face time once or twice, but it was no secret that Vinnie was pretty intimidated by my dad. "Hi Elizabeth." He gives me an endearing smile. "Vincent." He nods to Vinnie, his serious expression coming back into his face.

"When are you coming home Liz?" He asks. "I don't know dad, I still have some modeling stuff to do down here in LA, but as soon as I get the chance, i'll come visit." I tell him.

It was no secret that I was a daddy's girl. My mom worked a lot when I was little, making me closer to my dad because we spent all of our time together, but I didn't love my mom any less. "Might bring these two with me." I suggest, pointing to Hera and Vinnie.

"He's been dying to tastes mom's food." I tell my dad. Vinnie smiles shyly at my dad, his attitude with my mom completely changing.

I almost laughed at how quiet he was in front of my dad. My dad gives him a weird look, causing Vinnie to deflate a little.

"Where's your shirt Vincent?" He asks, curiosity in his tone. Vinnie looks down at his bare chest, moving his eyes over to me. I shrug and he faces my dad again.

"Uh- i was sleeping and- you see i didn't-" He stutters, making me laugh a little. He stops himself, sighing. My dad raises his eyebrows at Vinnie, waiting for him to speak again.

Vinnie gives him a guilty look, glancing at me momentarily. "I'll go change sir." He says, a defeated look on his face. "You do that, son." My dad nods his head, watching as Vinnie walks away, going to put a shirt on.

My mom chuckles, and once he leaves the room, I roll my eyes. "You didn't have to do him like that, dad." I say, smiling slightly. "You know he's an awkward person." I remind them.

"I just asked a question, honey." My dad raises his hand in surrender, his accent getting thicker. "But you know he's scared of you." I laugh.

"I don't know why, i'm nice. I'm nice right, honey?" He asks, tapping my mom. She nods her head, clearing laughing at our conversation.

"You know that poor boy likes her, he looked like he saw a ghost when you called him out." She laughs.

I roll my eyes. Ever since they met Vinnie, they were so convinced that he had feelings for me. I always told them that we were just friends, but they insisted that there was something more.

I never told them about the moment we had, or the butterflies I got in my stomach when it happened, because that would only had fuel to the fire.

"Guys he doesn't like me. We're just friends." I say.

"Well do you like him?" My mom asks. I don't respond right away. I couldn't really answer that question.

I didn't have major feelings for him, but there was definitely something there, I just wasn't sure I was ready to admit it. "I'll take your silence as my answer." She says, making my dad chuckle.

"I don't know mama." I sigh, looking down at Hera in my lap. "It's nothing big, but he's just a really great person." I say, lowering my voice, in case something heard me.

"We know honey, but if there's something there, don't wait till it's too late, just go for it." She tells me.

"Listen, we want you to be happy, and we can tell he does that. Don't waste a chance Lizzy." My dad says. "And that's coming from me so remember that." He points at me.

I stifle a laugh at his overprotectiveness. "Okay, dad." I reply with a laugh.

Vinnie runs back in, a white shirt on with a red bandana covering his hair now. "I'm back, with a shirt on sir." He smiles at my parents.

I smile at his cuteness, but immediately catch myself. "Good job." My dad nods, smiling slightly.

"Well we have to go honey, i'll call tomorrow okay?" My mom says. "Okay, I love you guys, and dad I hope you don't enjoy your Satay." I tease.

"I will thank you very much." He says before grabbing his plate and walking away. My mom laughs at our pettiness, blowing my a kiss goodbye.

ᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴀʟᴋ
i was motivated to update for this so here you go lmaoo. but i wanted to write a chapter with her parents to show you guys a bit more of their dynamic and i wanted to include some of liz's asian culture in so i did that.

i might double update, depends on how i feel.

stay bad lovelies i love youu<33

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