36 - Impress

477 3 0

My Bubba Nate

Jane Aurora

My Bubba Nate
Yes, my Baby?

Jane Aurora
Are you sabotaging my ship??
Bakit mo sinabi na fave ni Gabgab
ang Sushi?? I told you she dislikes it!

My Bubba Nate
I was just messing with Ilog.
It's funny naman.🤣

Jane Aurora
It's not!😤  And Gabgab's thinking na mali lang pinadalahan si Ilog. She thinks it's for Amatelle talaga.

My Bubba Nate
It's Anabelle.
I didn't know Anabelle likes it.

Jane Aurora
Kahit na. Ayaw mo
ba sa cousin ko for
your cousin??

My Bubba Nate
Of course I like her for Ilog.
I was just messing with hin.

Jane Aurora
Hmp! Fix it.

My Bubba Nate
Yes, Baby. I love you.

Jane Aurora
I love you.🙄

Read 4:30pm

Gaho and Conyorista Friends

Nate Ocean
I was just messing with Ilog.
@Gabriel Alexandra
He thought it's your fave.

Hahaha! Ulol.

Leo Alejandro
How'd you know she dislikes it?
Pucha, Bro. Galit na galit si Ilog.🤣

Nate Ocean
I asked Janey Baby what's Gabriel's
fave and her dislikes. 😐🤣🤣

Missy Cleo
Hahaha! Hinde naman nasayang.
We like Sushi!

We do! Si Gabgab lang may ayaw.

Jack River
Answer the damn phone.

Suyuin mo hahaha!

Gabriel Alexandra
I don't need any suyo.🙄
Hinde ko naman sya kaano-ano.

Songssss, Bruh.🤣🥲

Leo Alejandro
Impress mo naman si Gab. 🤣

Nate Ocean
Dun sa ex, nagpa-impress, every week
iba iba wheels.

Missy Cleo.


Jane Aurora

Gabriel Alexandra

Jack River
Tangina nyo mga Gago.❤️

Seen 4:52pm

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