104 - Place

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Nate Gago Dela Vega

Jack River

Nate Gago Dela Vega
You're going to ask me to ask
my girlfriend to ask her
where Gab is.

Jack River

Nate Gago Dela Vega

Jack River
And before you answer me with bullshit,
may I remind you that Paige kissed
you when you and Aurora were
on a break. Have you told her? 😏

Nate Gago Dela Vega
Fuck u.❤️

Jack River
Name the place.

Nate Gago Dela Vega
Gab's restaurant, dumbass.
She's in a meeting.
With Blake.😏

Jack River
Putangina talaga.

Jack River
And fuck you, too.❤️

Read 9:37 pm

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