Cнаpтёя Йїпётёёп

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I was looking for Kaz, but I couldn't find him. I literally came all the way out here because he told me to come over, but where is? Nowhere to be found.

"Mikhail, have you seen that asshole boss of yours?" I ask.

"You shouldn't speak about him like that," Mikhail says.

"I don't give a shit. He's such a time waster," I complain.

"He's in the basement boss lady," he answers.

"Oh... what is he doing down there?"

"It's best you wait for him to come to you."

"It's fine, I'm not in the mood right now. Before I forget have you seen Sasha lurking around here by chance?"

I haven't heard from her. It feels like eternity that we have spoke. We're supposed to be besties.


That's all I needed know. That skank, she getting all snuggly with him. What happened it hoe life or no life.

"Thanks for the help."

I make my towards the basement. I haven't been down there, but it cannot be bad like the ones I have seen.

I walk downstairs and I could barely here anything. It was a normal fucking basement. There was nothing here.

There were two guards in here though.

"Do you know where Kazimir is?"

I haven't seen them before, maybe I have. I just don't remember them. They looked at each other confused.

"Do you know her?"

"No, but I think so."

They look me up and down. I stand around awkwardly. They start to indulge in their own conversation.

"She's the bosses new thing. Ignore her, she will go away soon."

"More like it. I never thought boss would keep a nigger around for so long," he scoffs.

"He was always the one for Russians girls. She must be one of those Black Americans."

"That's what it must be. It used it black magic," he jokes.

The other guard laughed and they laughed together. I faked laughed alone with him.

"If Kazimir was here you wouldn't be saying such things? I don't know who you are referring to it and nigger, all I know it is not me."

There faces dropped and became sullen. This is why I say I don't speak or understand some languages.

I walk back up the stairs and get Mikhail.

"Mikhail," I yell.

"Boss lady, what is wrong now?" He asks.

"Who are those two guards in the basement?" I ask.

"Pavel and Demyan."

"Good, come with me," I said.

I walk straight back towards the basement. I did not come in this fucking house to get discriminated against.

If I had a gun on me I would put a bullet through both their heads.

"What's this about?" He asked.

I paused for a moment.

"You are going to tell Kazimir that you were in the basement with me and translated everything that they said. They called me an it and a nigger, they even went as far as referring me to a ghetto American," I explained.

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