Cнаpтёя Fѳятч-Tщѳ

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I opened my eyes and rubbed them softly, pushing the feeling of sleep down. I didn't feel the hardness of Kazimir's dick or body. I frowned slightly and sat up on the bed. His spot was empty and I felt the side of his bed. It was cold.

I got out of the bed and cold marble touches my feet. Damn the floor was fucking cold. I reach for my sliders with my toes pulling it closer to me.

I put my feet in them and got out of the bed. I never told Kazimir about Juan. I had gotten to scared again. That was one thing I feared the most, his reaction.

I walked to the bathroom to go pee and doing usual morning stuff. I hated that I woke up alone and not with Kaz. I brushed my teeth and looked in the mirror.

Many years ago I looked like a skeleton on the brink of her death bed. My cheeks were sunken in and couldn't remember the last time I had eaten. My hair was falling out in patches, because I was starving.

Suddenly I'm being whisked away to be a sex slave, where it was the same thing. Just worse than having cocaine in my system. Next thing I know I was with Mexicans cartel leader's number one girl.

I was much less than that. I was a fucking pet for him. I was sure I had Stockholm syndrome because there was no other reason for me to be attached to Juan.

Before our relationship developed into anything, he taught me how to kill quick and efficiently. I listened to every word of his. I would sit if he told me to. I would kill if he told me to. My fascination for murder increased and I was getting out of hand.

They didn't even try to pull me away from it, I just felt myself sinking deeper into that black hole. I was eating much more, so I was able to take down larger people. That's when I started to gain weight.

The fat went all over my body, but in helped my figure all in all. That's when Juan started to show interest into me. It started off with small gifts and all that bullshit.

I was just a killing machine that gained a mind of its own and got free. I rinsed my mouth out and left the bathroom. I brushed the thoughts of the past away.

I needed Kazimir. I didn't even want to change into different clothes. I was wearing his shirt since I got into bed by myself. He did eventually come to bed and wrapped his arms around me.

That's why I am sad, he wasn't there when he woke up. My boobs were also in need of his attention, because they were irritating me. They were aching and I needed him to come fix my issue.

I opened the door and Mikhail stood at the door with another guy. He was bald and seemed to be about five eleven. He had tattoo of a knife peaking out of his collar and I looked at Mikhail.

"Morning Boss Lady," Mikhail nods.

"Morning, do you know where he is?" I ask.

"He's in the gym, it's only seven in the morning," he answers.

"Seven? Oh... it's early," I mumbled.

"You can lay back down if you wish," he says.

"No, take me to him," I said.

Mikhail nods his head and says something to other guy. He walks down the hallway and down the large steps. I could hear pots and pans clanking in the kitchen. I wonder what is for breakfast.

He turns down another hallway and takes a right. I was going to have to remember where to go in this place. He stops in front of a door and opens it for me.

I walk into the room and my eyes scan over the room. There was different gym equipment around the room and there was a boxing ring in the middle of the large room.

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