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Y/N L/N was sold. She sat alone in a cell for 14 years while being experimented on. Her misery came to an end when pro heroes All Might, Endeavour and EraserHead saved you from the horrid place.
EraserHead had taken a liking to her and decided to take her under his wing.
Y/N is haunted by memories for 2 years before coming to U.A. High.
Will she find peace and happiness or will the storm of emotions continue.

Quirk: 64
Due to being a experiment you have 64 quirks but only have a small amount discovered at the moment and they just randomly show up and you can feel a small tingle in your fingers and nose 30 minutes before it appears. It can be slightly painful like a stomachache, these are the quirks you currently have.

Fire: Can manipulate fire and it's temperatures orange is less hot and blue is extremely hot. Can create fire from anywhere on your body. When angry your hair turns into fire orange is angry but blue is furious (doesn't happen all the time though).

Water: Can manipulate H2O and the temperature creating ice and steam. You can create water from any part of your body or purify water.

Earth: Can manipulate materials of Earth (concrete, dirt, rock, etc) on the molecular level as well as control the temperatures so it can go soft and liquify or harden.

Air: Can manipulate air or create it. (Controlling the air around your body give you the ability to fly).

Siren : Can put certain people under your control as long as you know what they look like by singing (siren voice). Your hair and eyes turn white and your hair floats, you also grow small patches of scales on you hands and neck. Your able to swim in water really fast.

Transformation: Can transform into any real animal or pick and choose characteristics of animals. (Like wings from a bird but keeping human form).

IQ: Intelligence that allows you to analyse situations and have a photographic memory. You also ace tests.

Metal Manipulation: Can only control metal if you can see it.

Creation: Practically Momo's quirk but you don't have to know about the molecules you just have to think about what it looks like and what it's used for.

Destruction: Can destroy what you touch only when you think about it.

Rope: Rope can come from anywhere on your body, usually used for capture because you don't have much control over the rope.

Erasure: Erases quirks you can see or touch.

Anemone: Stretchy electric tentacles that can shock people or  you can use them to swing around and can grow about 35m in length.

Eagle Eye: Gives you a full view of a situation or inside buildings and underground.

Weather Control: Controls the weather but can sometime go out of control when your really upset.

Demon: Practically a spilt personality where your eyes go red, your skin goes completely black and you have claws.

Clone: Can produce multiple versions of yourself either in human form or mist

Life Force: Can put your life force into things like trees to help them grow. The life force glow a delicate gold when in use.

You already have your hero license due to being involved with Aizawa though your not a pro and are put in 1-A. You do have ultimate moves though.
A few examples:

Fire and Siren (your entire body is on fire and your siren voice is harsh and cold, you can't swim obviously).
(Ignited Siren)

Demon and Destruction (demon side can destroy anything in your path mostly used to destroy forests to create room for whatever, can range to 40m).
(Destruction Demon)

Air, Eagle Eye and IQ (you fly around assessing situations from the sky for more detail because you can see inside buildings and you can see underground but it's not as effective in the sky).
(Flying Analysis)

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