Just Win (Part 8)

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Everyone else finished the obstacle course and now we were standing in front of Midnight who'd be announcing the next round soon.

"And for the second round the top 42 in the obstacle race will move on. Now the game you'll be playing is..."

"The cavalry battles!! You can have up to 4 people on a team, you have the horses and a rider. We'll be using a 5-point system for this round, 42nd place has 5 points and 41st place has 10. The player who placed 1st in the obstacle course is worth 10 million points!!"

That means that whoever has that headband automatically moves on to the next round. Everyone including myself turn and look at Midoriya with hungry eyes, either you join him or take him out.

He cowered in fear at everyone eyes on him.

"You'll have 15 minutes to create teams. Go!"

Many people started to swarm me about being on my team, I politely declined and saw Ochako talking to Midoriya, probably about joining his team. I walk up to the 2, they greeted me.

"Can I join your team, Midoriya?"



"Uh-h yeah sure you can join but do you really want too, I mean everyone's going to be coming after us?"

"Well that just means we have to work extra hard to keep it."

While the 15 minutes were going down quickly, Midoriya explains that Iida turned him down and joined Todoroki. They choose to ask Tokoyami to join their team which he accepts and Midoriya starts planning for us to go off.

I feel a pair of eyes staring into the back of my head, I already know it's Katsuki staring at me because I'm with Midoriya. Ochako notices this too and whispers in my ear that I should go talk to him before he burns a hole in my head.

I listen to her and walk over to him,

"Why are you with the nerd?"

"Because I have a higher chance of winning with him."

"You better make it to the next round so I can beat you, if you don't then I'll kill you. Got that Giggles?

"Yes sir!" You salute him and walk away, both of you blushing from what you just said, although you were more embarrassed. Katsuki shakes his head to get back into the game but can't help but let a small chuckle escape his lips.

The cavalry battle had begun, Tokoyami was the scout, Ochako made us lighter, and I immobilized people and levitated us. I use all the quirks I could without tiring myself out. I sunk people into the floor by softening it before hardening it again.

We were able to keep the 10 million points for ourselves but then Todoroki showed up and caged us in. I could change the temperature of the ice to make it water or simply melt it, but it would take a long time, time we don't exactly have.

Todoroki had stolen the 10 million but was distracted from using his flames in battle and I was able to sneak 2 headbands back to us as the end buzzer went off, Katsuki had also joined the battle and was now face planted in the dirt feeling angry they didn't come 1st. Midoriya was crying, but when I showed him the 2 headbands putting us into 4th place and moving on.

I walk over to Katsuki's sulking form, he screamed in complete anger. It was quite funny to watch but I had to stop it eventually before he made a bigger fool out of himself. I walk over and pat his head, he simply stood up and pouted at me for taking away his angry time.

Before the 3rd event started, we would have a lunch break and recreational games for everyone who didn't make it or just wanted to calm their nerves. Katsuki and I were walking around the back of the stadium to get to the cafeteria, we heard Todoroki and Midoriya talking around the corner.

Todoroki started talking about how his father was abusive and how he got the scar on his face, I did a small inaudible gasp from where I was standing. He talked about how he refused to use his flames to 'reject' his father's wishes and he would never become his father but overtake All Might his in own way.

"Are you All Might's Secret love child, or something?"

You were about to laugh at the little theory he came up. Katsuki stopped any sound from coming out by placing his hand over your mouth and arm around your waist, pulling you back against his chest. Your hormones ended up taking over and you leant back into him slightly, making his grip on your waist tighten before whispering in your ear

"What do you think you're doing, giggles?"

Your face flushed red, at what had just happened between both of you. You tuned back into what Todoroki was saying.

"-So, because I must surpass All Might, I must surpass you too."

They both start walking away, Katsuki and you walking to the cafeteria before splitting up to regroup. You joined the girls, and they were talking about some cheer competition, you hadn't heard anything about it. It was from your dad, so you went along with them to get changed.

When all the 1-A girls walked out into the arena, wearing cheer costumes. You had realized what happened, Mineta and Denki wanted to see the girls in cheer costumes. You look around the boys and made eye contact with Katsuki who was staring you up and down with a flustered look on his face.

Mineta was trying to touch your legs more than once, which Katsuki wasn't happy about. He walked over while taking his sports uniform top off leaving him in a black tank top. Katsuki put his top over your and wraps his arms around your waist turning you away from Mineta, slightly growling at him in protectiveness. Your cheeks reddened at his reaction and what he had said to Mineta next.

The other boys were also shocked at his reaction and realized that you both had feelings for each other, you just haven't told each other yet.

"Stay away, Mineta. She's mine!"

Word Count- 1046 Words🌸

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